World Communion Sunday 5 Oct 2014 10am


CALL TO WORSHIP (selected verses from Psalm 96):
Sing a new song to the Lord
Sing to the Lord, all the world!
Sing to the Lord, and praise Him.
Praise the Lord, all people of the earth
Proclaim His glory to the nations,
His mighty act to all peoples.

HYMN: God is Here (Tune: Blaenwern WOV 165ii)
God is here! As we his people
meet to offer praise and prayer,
may we find in fuller measure
what it is in Christ we share:
Here, as in the world around us,
all our varied skills and arts
wait the coming of His Spirit
into open minds and hearts.

Here are symbols to remind us
of our lifelong need of grace;
here are table, font and pulpit,
here the cross has central place.
Here in honesty of preaching,
here in silence, as in speech,
here in newness and renewal
God the Spirit comes to each.

Here our children find a welcome
in the Shepherd’s flock and fold;
here as bread and wine are taken,
Christ sustains us as of old.
Here the servants of the Servant
seek in worship to explore
what it means in daily living
to believe and to adore.

Lord of all, of Church and Kingdom,
in an age of change and doubt,
keep us faithful to the gospel,
help us work your purpose out.
Here, in this day’s dedication,
all we have to give, receive;
we who cannot live without you,
we adore you! We believe. © Hope Publishing (VU)

LIGHTING OF THE CHRIST CANDLE – Christ, light of the World.
We remember the world and its people;
A candle is lit;
We offer – love, justice, peace and hope.


Please remain seated…
HYMN: I am Standing Waiting (Tune: Au Clair de la Lune)
I am standing waiting, waiting at your door,
One of hunger’s children from a billion poor;
Though you cannot see me, though I am so small –
Listen to my crying, crying for us all.

I stand at your table, asking to be fed,
Holding up my rice bowl, begging for your bread,
I stand at your schoolroom, longing just to learn,
Hoping that you’ll teach me ways to live and earn.

I stand at your clinic, begging for vaccine,
I stand at your wash place where the water’s clean,
I stand at your office, beg the Heads of State,
I am just a child, so I must hope and wait.

I stand in your churches, listen to your prayers,
Long to know a God who understands and cares.
If there is a God, a God who loves the poor,
I’m still standing waiting, waiting at your door. ©Shirley Murray (FFS)

What are the issues that concern you most about the world we live in?

Jeremiah 1: 4-10 Fern Wakefield
Matthew 28: 16-20 Tony Beasley

REFLECTION: How does the Church engage with the world in order to transform the world in which we live?

Gracious God, we bring the gift of money and produce to be used in your service as a sign of love. We offer ourselves; our time, our energy and giftedness to be used in your service within our everyday lives, that we might make a difference within the world. Amen.

We believe in God, the source of life who created human beings to be different and to get on with each other.
We believe in Jesus Christ, who calls us to a life which is absurd by the standards of the world.
We believe in the Spirit of God within and around us, and you and me.
We believe the times when the Church is the Church when we are a community, a source of love, laughter and the sharer of tears.
A people prepared to take risks, working together, that one day this world may be a place where people can live in justice, freedom and peace.
This is our hope, this is our faith. That we dare to believe, always and in spite of everything, in God’s power to transform.

HYMN: Now to Your Table Spread (Tune: Love Unknown WOV257i)
Now to your table spread we come, each one, in faith
that you alone provide the words of life and death:
in wine and bread, in promised food we find your loving heart, O God.

Hands of the world stretch out your mystery to touch
in longing to believe a truth beyond our reach,
to sing in joy, to cry in grief, to know your meaning for our life.

Here is our common wealth in sharing what is good
as though all humankind around one table stood,
this bread to break, this wine to taste – one people in the name of Christ. © Shirley Murray

THE INVITATION: Jesus Christ invites each one of you to his family meal. In the bread and the wine, the sign of Christ’s presence we are united in love with God, through Christ and with one another.
I come to the table in response to the invitation of Jesus Christ, who walked among us and was human like us.
I come knowing that I am freed from those things that separate me from God and one another.
I come seeking healing and wholeness through Jesus Christ who gave the gift of life for us all.


(Communion will be served in four corners, representing the four corners of the world – two at back and two at front. Please move to the corner nearest you. If you are unable to get up, please remain in your seat and we will bring Communion to you.)


HYMN: I am the Light of the World
“I am the light of the world.
You people come and follow me!”
If you follow and love
you’ll learn the mystery
of what you were meant to do and be.

When the song of the angel is stilled,
when the star in the sky is gone,
when the kings and the shepherds
have found their way home,
the work of Christmas is begun:
“I am the light of the world…

to find the lonely and the lost,
to heal their broken souls with love,
to feed the hungry children
with warmth and good food,
to feel the earth below, the sky above;
“I am the light of the world…

to free the prisoners from their chains,
to make the powerful care,
to re-build the nations
with strength of goodwill,
to be at one with people everywhere;
“I am the light of the world…

to bring hope to every task you do,
to dance at a baby’s new birth,
to make music in
an old man’s heart,
and sing to the colours of the earth.
“I am the light of the world… © Desert Flower Music (VU)

BENEDICTION: Share the Grace with one another.
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service.

WEDNESDAY WALKERS 8th October: Meet 9.30am outside the Passenger Lounge at the Bus Exchange. Coffee downstairs at Ballantynes. Sue 960 7657.

CRAFTY CRAFTERS Thursdays 10am – 12noon in the lounge at Beckenham Methodist. $3 per session. New faces always welcome. Beverley 332 7786.

A FUNDRAISER: Horse manure for sale. $2 for a 15-20 kg bag. Wanted! Plastic bags which held compost or potting mix for putting the horse manure in to sell. Contact Lindsay Day 981 1587.

Here’s your chance to encourage children in healthy eating habits. We need volunteers to assist on Tuesdays 10 – 11.30am in Term 4 with the Garden to Table Project at St Martin’s School. Help is required in the kitchen. Lyndsey 388 1264.

INTER-FAITH JOURNEYING seminar Saturday 18th October: please sign the list if you are interested in attending.

FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session Monday 20th October 1-4pm.

We are combining with the Opawa-St Martins Anglican Parish for a Used Clothing Rummage Sale on Saturday 8th November at St Anne’s Hall, Wilsons Rd. As well, we will also be selling jams and chutneys. Contributions of marmalade, jam, lemon honey etc… required please. Lyn 332 0865.

Large “Early Girl” tomato seedlings for sale $2 each, to go into tunnel or glasshouses. Phone Peter 960 7657.

FIX-IT JOBS: We can help with small jobs around your home/property. Please contact the Office for details.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wed & Thurs 9am-12noon & Fri 9-11am. 332 6192 or email, or pop in to 7 Wilsons Rd.

THIS WEEK’S HUB REPORT is displayed on the wall in the Lounge.

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Sun 5th David H & David B

Hub Activities for the week 5th- 12th October 2014

St James’ Presbyterian Church
Wed 8 Oct 10.00am Foot Clinic
Thurs 9 Oct 9.00am Foot Clinic
Fri 10 Oct 10am–2pm Children’s Holiday Programme in the Hall. Email
Dorothy for enrolment

Festival 200 Sunday 7th December, Horncastle Arena. This is a church wide, city wide event celebrating 200 years since Samuel Marsden’s message in the Bay of Islands. Come and join people across the city in this festival event simply telling the story of the gospel in the Christchurch area. More details at:

Bus trip to the Iris Gardens: leaves Whareora 10.00am. $25 includes morning tea. Bring a picnic lunch to eat among the irises. Returns to Whareora 3.00pm ish

St Martin’s Presbyterian Church
All events at Beckenham Methodist, 83 Malcolm Ave, unless otherwise stated
Sun 5 Oct 10am World Communion Sunday – combined service
with Beckenham Methodist
Tue 7 Oct 7.30pm Indoor Bowls. Salvation Army Hall, Southampton St.
Wed 8 Oct 9.30am Walking Group. Meet outside the Passenger
Lounge at the Bus Exchange. Coffee downstairs at
Ballantynes. Sue 960 7657.
Thu 9 Oct 10am-12noon Crafty Crafters. $3. Beverley 332 7786.
Sun 12 Oct 9am Morning Worship.

Hoon Hay Presbyterian Church
Mondays: 9.30 am & 10.40am Tai Chi. Brian 338 6228
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls. Pat 353 0265
Wednesdays: 8.00 – 11.00am Vege Co-op. Shilo 338 3943
10.00 am Craft Group. Linda 322 4437
7.00 pm Scottish Country Dancing. David 322 7954
Thursdays: 9.30 am & 10.40am Tai Chi. Brian 338 6228
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls. Pat 353 0265
Fridays: 7.00 pm LIFT – Youth programme. Matt 027 389 0000
Saturdays: 9.00am – 12.00pm Ballet Group. Suzie 338 1017

Cashmere Hills Presbyterian Church
Mon 6 Oct 1.30pm Cashmere Garden Club
7.00pm Christchurch South Parents Centre Classes – website:
Wed 8 Oct 10.00am Forum – discuss last Sunday’s Readings. All Welcome
Thurs 9 Oct 10.30am Prayer Group – contact Barbara 332 8668
Fri 10 Oct 7.00pm Tango Vibe (