Excerpted from Chris Elliot’s email of 26th February:
“Good morning to you all and warmest greetings.
By now most of you will have heard from someone in the parish. Telephones have remained fickle at times, and in some areas, so if you receive this and have not been talking with us would you please let us know you are OK, and also if you need any assistance. It is a time when people need the support of one another and to not feel alone.
[…] A group of us have had a preliminary inspection but the buildings need to be checked by a professional before church or hall can be used. There are no entry notices on all doors. Some subsidence at the rear around the prefab and old Bible Class building are also a hazard.
A combined service with Beckenham Methodist was held this morning on the lawn of Christchurch South Library. This was reported on in part of an article New Zealanders pay respects to quake victims.