Sunday 3rd November 2024

Here’s our Zoom link –

Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for morning tea following the service. Many thanks to Rev Don Fergus for leading our worship.

Wednesday Walkers 6th November: meet 9.30am  at Birdwood Café, corner Malcolm & Birdwood Aves, for a walk round the Huntsbury area.   Coffee at Birdwood Café. All welcome. Beth 027 651 8333.

CONSERVATION – Week 5. Materialism. Industrialists love it. Conservationists hate it. Materialism was invented to encourage people to buy more stuff so the rich could get richer, but it is surely destroying our civilisation. What can you do? Buy practical, used stuff, durable rather than fancy fashion stuff. It’s OK to use stuff that’s getting a bit rough and frayed. You are doing your bit to save the planet and upsetting the rich.

Bookarama – The Rotary Club of Cashmere is seeking donations of books, CDs, LPs, DVDs, jigsaws and games (no magazines or textbooks) – these can de dropped off at St Martins New World until 17th November.

Be creative for Christmas – help us decorate the Christmas Tree this year, with DIY Festive Stars. Colourful Christmas wrapping paper is ideal – use two sheets, back-to-back, so the star can be viewed from both sides. Attach some string or cotton thread so it can be tied to the tree, or looped over a branch. We will be putting up the tree on 30th November, so bring your stars anytime after that. Instructions for the stars and some examples are in the foyer – and the office during the week. Worship Committee.

Choir Worship for Mission Support TONIGHT 3rd November 7pm at the Korean Presbyterian Church, 75 Packe St. All are welcome.

Christmas Crafts at Waltham Cottage, 201 Hastings St East – Every Tuesday 10am to 12pm. No charge and materials supplied. An opportunity to make gifts and Christmas decorations in the lead up to the holidays. Call 942 2173 for more information.

NEXT MOVIE NIGHT Saturday 16th November 5.15pm: A screening of ‘Carousel’ to celebrate Show Weekend!

Donations: if you would like to support the ministry at St Martins our bank account is: 03-1598-0011867-00. Please include your name as a reference.

THIS WEEK AT ST MARTINS                                      

Monday 5pm                  MenzShed Dinner & AGM (lounge)

Tuesday 10am              South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869

Tuesday 7.15pm           Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007

Wednesday 9.30am      Walking Group: Huntsbury Beth 027 651 8333

Wednesday 9.30am      Port Hills U3A (whole complex) Joy 337 2393

Wednesday 7-9pm       Cantabile Choir (lounge) Rose 027 254 0586

Thursday 10am             Crafty Crafters (lounge) Sally 332 4730

Thursday 1.30pm          Sit & Be Fit (church) Anneke 021 077 4065

Sunday 27 October 2024

Here’s our Zoom link –

Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for morning tea following the service.

Wednesday Walkers 30th October: meet 9.30am at Merchiston, 75 St Martins Rd – up drive outside the old house.  All welcome to come at 10.30am for morning tea if not wanting to walk. Fern   021 2274 758.

Bookarama – The Rotary Club of Cashmere is seeking donations of books, CDs, LPs, DVDs, jigsaws and games (no magazines or textbooks) – these can be dropped off at St Martins New World until 17th November.

Christmas Crafts at Waltham Cottage, 201 Hastings St East – Every Tuesday 10am to 12pm. No charge and materials supplied. An opportunity to make gifts and Christmas decorations in the lead up to the holidays. Call 942 2173 for more information.

CONSERVATION – Week 4. A powerful and fast-acting solution is for everyone to consume less. Virtually everything that we buy is manufactured using hydrocarbons with their associated carbon footprint. If everyone reduced our consumption by 50%, emissions would be cut by near 50%. Fantastic news! The world economy would be destroyed! A whole new economic model would be required. GDP is destroying the planet. What can you do? Buy less stuff. (The cost of living crisis is helping) Did you know that the cost of living crisis is primarily driven by ecological overshoot.

Donations: if you would like to support the ministry at St Martins our bank account is: 03-1598-0011867-00. Please include your name as a reference.

THIS WEEK AT ST MARTINS                                      

Tuesday 10am              South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869

Tuesday 7.15pm           Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007

Wednesday 9.30am      Walking Group: Merchiston Fern

Wednesday 7-9pm       Cantabile Choir (lounge) Rose 027 254 0586

Thursday 10am             NO Crafty Crafters (lounge) Sally 332 4730

Thursday 1.30pm          Sit & Be Fit (church) Anneke 021 077 4065

Sunday 20 October 2024

Here’s our Zoom link –

Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158

A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for morning tea following the service.

We give thanks for the life of Jean Carmichael who died on 6th October, aged 85, and pray for her family and friends as they mourn. Rest eternal grant unto her, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon her.

Fireside: Fern will speak about some of her travels on Monday 21st October from 2pm in the parish lounge.  We welcome women of the congregation and their friends to join us for this or other meetings.

Wednesday Walkers 23rd October: meet 9.30am in Stourbridge St near Therese St for a walk around Spreydon.  Coffee at London Canteen (Oderings). All welcome.  Marilyn 027 3631642.

Movie Night Saturday 26th October from 5.15pm: “STAR” – Oscar winner Julie Andrews stars as the irrepressible Gertrude Lawrence, who rises from English chorus girl to world renowned diva. Her hilarious sidekick Noel Coward (Daniel Massey) provides Lawrence with an ongoing commentary on her life while she searches fruitlessly for suitors whose adoration equals what she gets from an audience. Andrews is a knockout in numbers by Coward, Cole Porter, the Gershwins and more in this funny, dazzling musical that ranks among Hollywood’s finest. BYO takeaways for tea, hot drinks provided. Note that the movie screening will begin at 6pm. Any queries – see Irene.

Population – Week 3

This subject is so important, so fundamental and so controversial that it demands additional discussion. In many societies it has been blocked. The common responses are that population reduction will mean that there will be no one to look after the elderly or that it will ruin the economy. Read into the latter – it will make the rich poorer. As for the former argument, a collapse of civilisation will be disastrous for everyone, not just the elderly.

Over-population damages every single metric on which society is built on; not just climate. The sustainable population is 2 billion, the population of the 1950s. We are at 8b heading for 10 billion. It is actually too late to avoid many calamities, but at least the world must be made more aware of the issues. Discuss with friends and family.

Donations: if you would like to support the ministry at St Martins our bank account is: 03-1598-0011867-00. Please include your name as a reference.

THIS WEEK AT ST MARTINS                                    

Monday 2pm                  Fireside (lounge)  

Tuesday 10am              South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869

Tuesday 7.15pm           Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007

Wednesday 9.30am      Walking Group: Spreydon Marilyn 027 363 1642

Wednesday 7-9pm       Cantabile Choir (lounge) Rose 027 254 0586

Thursday 10am             Crafty Crafters (lounge) Sally 332 4730

Thursday 1.30pm          Sit & Be Fit (church) Anneke 021 077 4065

Saturday 5.15pm           Movie Night (lounge) Irene 332 7306

Sunday 7-11pm             Private Function

Update from the Parish Council Meeting – Wednesday 16th October

First meeting of the Parish Council meeting since the AGM. Welcome to everyone – Catherine, Keith, Warren, Allison, Barry (apology), Sue (secretary), Irene and Dan.

The Minutes from the AGM were approved.

Minister’s Report – Dan to meet with the new Vicar at St Mark’s Anglican and is in regular contact with other local clergy. He had attended a Pathways meeting and was impressed with the excellent discussions within. Dan commented on the Seniors Service, said it was a valuable investment of time and thanked everyone who was involved in making it happen. Another service will be held on Wednesday 11th December. Dan has made visits to several congregation members and had received quite a few ‘drop ins’ to the office when he was in.

The Executive had met and had reviewed the overall plans for the end of the year.

Solar panels are to be fitted this coming Tuesday (22/10/24). Warren had painted the area of roof that they are to sit on – and will finish the roof when he has more ‘puff’!

Consideration was given as to ‘who does the banking’ (decision – Catherine will do this) and discussions with other groups within the church framework will be had as to how they might also contribute to streamlining this function.

There are many roles within the church and the concern was that many members are slow at stepping forward and offering their help and support. We need everyone to contribute – not just a few. Remember the story of the Little Red Hen!

Door duty – please note the additional duty requirement. Please check the noticeboard in the foyer.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on 11th December at 7.30pm.

Joan Mac has agreed to carry on the important function of overseeing and purchasing items used in the kitchen and toilet areas – thank you so much Joan.

Sunday 13th October 2024

Here’s our Zoom link –

Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158

A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for morning tea following the service.

If you do not wish to receive the Alpine Presbytery newsletter, please email Irene and let her know. Please do not click on the unsubscribe link in the Newsletter itself. A paper copy is available to read in the pink folder in the foyer.

THANK YOU for your support of Your Sisters this morning. If you wish to donate online, please use the parish account with “Orphanage” as reference (see bank account details on next page).

Wednesday Walkers 16th October: meet 9.30am at the Bus Exchange to wander east of Colombo Street. Morning tea downstairs at Ballantynes. All are welcome. Sue 960 7657.

Movie Night 26th October: “STAR” – Oscar winner Julie Andrews stars as the irrepressible Gertrude Lawrence, who rises from English chorus girl to world renowned diva. Her hilarious sidekick Noel Coward (Daniel Massey) provides Lawrence with an ongoing commentary on her life while she searches fruitlessly for suitors whose adoration equals what she gets from an audience. Andrews is a knockout in numbers by Coward, Cole Porter, the Gershwins and more in this funny, dazzling musical that ranks among Hollywood’s finest.


This is never discussed but the elephant in the conservation room is that there are far too many of us. Like five times too many for the planet to sustain and this number is dropping as we consume its resources. Our population exploded when we took to using oil and coal for energy, growing food and just about everything else. Like any plague, populations rapidly grow then collapse. If we desire a “soft landing”, urgent education is essential although I fear that it will be too late. Some first-world countries already have declining populations but catastrophic temperature rises are expected within 30 years. A powerful start is to empower women. What can you do? Discuss this with friends and family.

Donations: if you would like to support the ministry at St Martins our bank account is: 03-1598-0011867-00. Please include your name as a reference.

THIS WEEK AT ST MARTINS                                    

Monday 1-4pm              Foot Clinic (lounge) Janette 021 075 6780

Tuesday 10am              South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869

Tuesday 7.15pm           Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007

Wednesday 9.30am      Walking Group: City Sue 960 7657

Wednesday 7-9pm       Cantabile Choir (lounge) Rose 027 254 0586

Wednesday 7.30pm      Parish Council meeting (office)

Thursday 10am             Crafty Crafters (lounge) Sally 332 4730

Thursday 1.30pm          Sit & Be Fit (church) Anneke 021 077 4065

Sunday 6th October 2024

Here’s our Zoom link –

Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158

A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for morning tea following the service.

Reminder: This month’s Communion service is on 13 October.

Wednesday Walkers 9th October: meet 9.30am in Armstrong Ave for a walk around Hansen Park. Coffee at Cocoa Black (formerly Fava). All are welcome. Joan Mac 022 081 4088.

If you do not wish to receive the Alpine Presbytery newsletter, please email Irene and let her know. Please do not click on the unsubscribe link in the Newsletter itself. A paper copy is available to read in the pink folder in the foyer.


Each week from now on I will supply a paragraph for the pew sheets describing what each one of us can do to help save our civilisation from many threats resulting from ecological overshoot with global warming being just one. Some won’t seem intuitive. Many you won’t like. The world is making absolutely no progress with CO2 emissions and associated global warming. In fact, we are accelerating backwards, so much so that it’s us that are being affected now, let alone our children and grandchildren. Wind and solar farms, electric cars, batteries etc, will help but won’t be near enough. The whole world population must change the ways in how we live, or nature will change them for us as it is already doing for many. This is by far the most effective means to address ecological overshoot. (Google for a full description). Watch this space. I welcome discussion.  Email:

Donations: if you would like to support the ministry at St Martins our bank account is: 03-1598-0011867-00. Please include your name as a reference.

THIS WEEK AT ST MARTINS                                    

Tuesday 10am              South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869

Tuesday 7.15pm           Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007

Wednesday 9.30am      Walking Group: Hansen Park Joan 022 081 4088

Wednesday 7-9pm       Cantabile Choir (lounge) Rose 027 254 0586

Thursday 10am             Crafty Crafters (lounge) Sally 332 4730

Thursday 1.30pm          Sit & Be Fit (church) Anneke 021 077 4065