Order of Service 2 October 2011

CALL TO WORSHIP  – from the back

Hundreds of millions of Christians all over the world

will come to places of worship today, just like us:

places where children, younger adults,  and seasoned seniors

can sit side by side;  where heaven and earth come together

in communion,  to strengthen us for service  in the world:  

where God has been, God is, and God will always be.


HYMN:  All the Wonder           (Tune: All Through the Night)

All the wonder that surrounds us

springs from God’s care:

all that marvels or confounds us,

raw, rich or rare;

touch and texture, sights and voices,

nature’s countless forms and choices:

all for which the heart rejoices

springs from God’s care.


Every creature, every human

lives by God’s grace:

every family, man and woman,

culture and race;

those whom fortune seems to favour,

those exploited for their labour,

those who need to know a neighbour

live by God’s grace.


How can we revere God’s goodness

meant for all time?

How ensure that each uniqueness

keeps in its prime?

How can we revere with pleasure

all God gives for life and leisure,

how reserve each earthly treasure

meant for all time?

God has willed that peace and justice

walk hand in hand.

These, with love, shall build foundations

on which we’ll stand:

love for lover, friend and stranger,

love defying death and danger,

love as first born in a manger –

heaven close at hand.                         © John L Bell (Iona Community)


OPENING PRAYERS & The Lord’s Prayer




TIME WITH THE CHILDREN                                     Wayne

CHILDREN’S SONG: Jesus Loves the Little Children X 2

Jesus loves the little children,
all the children of the world.
Red, brown, yellow, black and white
they are precious in his sight –
Jesus loves the little children of the world.   ©  unknown


READINGS:  Micah 4: 1-5                                          Anne

A vision (and hope) of God’s Universal Reign of Peace


                      Matthew 25: 31-40                                Doug

  Whenever you did this for one of the least…you did it for me




ADDRESS: Barbara and Rob


MUSIC FOR REFLECTION ~ the bringing forward of gold coins


A CREED:   (Terry Wall, adapted))

We believe in the God of love,

who seeks a deep communion with us,

and calls us to love others.

We believe in the God of creation

who invites us into partnership

in shaping the future

in justice, peace and joy.

We believe in the God who is not remote

but who is immersed in the life of this world

sharing its hope and feeling its pain.

We believe in the God who identifies

with the poor and oppressed

and those who long for faith

and calls us to stand with them.

We believe in this God, revealed in Jesus

            whose love is vulnerable,

            whose heart is aching

            and whose covenant with all people and creation is unshakeable.


HYMN: Songbook 10   I,  the Lord of Sea and Sky






HYMN:  658  Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ


The response this morning is sung ~  Tune: Belmont WOV 435


May  God  be with you         And also with you

Lift up you hearts                 We lift them up to God

Let us give thanks to God    It is right to give God thanks and praise

We yearn for a new creation, one which reflects the creation  God first bestowed upon us, a life of integrity and wholeness.


(Sung response)  O for a world where every-one

     respects each other’s ways,

                            where love is lived and all is done

                            with justice and with praise.


Once we were given the world to steward, God sent us prophets to direct our stewardship of life.  Those prophets, women and men, young and old, spoke of self-giving and of hospitality, of welcome and of embrace for the stranger.


(Sung response)  O for a world where goods are shared

                            with  misery relieved,

                            where truth is spoken, children spared,

                            equality achieved.

We didn’t listen.  Instead, we chose to ignore their prophetic words, turning away from God towards selfishness and greed.  In response, with a love greater than any other known, God sent us Jesus who lived a different life:


(Sung response):  The poor are rich, the weak are strong,

       the foolish ones are wise.  

                              tell all who mourn: outcasts belong,

                              who perishes will rise.


Jesus invited us to his table … place of communion for people the world over.


(Sung response)  We welcome one world family

                             and struggle with each choice

                             that opens us to unity

                             and gives our vision voice …






HYMN:  As a Fire is meant For Burning   

As a fire is meant for burning with a bright and warming flame,

so the church is meant for mission, giving, glory to God’s name.

Not to preach our creeds or customs, but to build a bridge of care,

we join hands across the nations, finding neighbours everywhere.


We are learners, we are teachers, we are pilgrims on the way.

We are seekers, we are givers, we are vessels made of clay.

By our gentle, loving actions, we would show that Christ is light.

In a humble, listening Spirit, we would live to God’s delight.


As a green bud in the springtime is a sign of life renewed,

so may we be signs of oneness mid earth’s peoples, many hued.

As a rainbow lights the heavens when a storm is past and gone,

may our lives reflect the radiance of God’s new and glorious dawn.

© Ruth Duck (VU)