Sunday Oct 30 2011

Celebrating through the groups;
Crafty Crafters & Footcare Clinic


The candle is brought in (please stand)
A candle flickers, Jesus Christ light of the world.
A candle of hope for the world.
If in some way I can be a speck of light
offering hope to the world, I will feel I have
played some part in keeping the flame alive.

HYMN: WOV 669 I am the Light of the World (omit verse 1)



CHILDREN’S SONG: One, Two, Three Alleluia!
One, two, three (clap, clap) alleluia,
One, two, three (clap, clap) alleluia,
One, two, three (clap, clap) alleluia,
Praise to you, our God.

Our God lives with us, alleluia,
making all things new, alleluia,
sharing in our lives, alleluia!
Praise to you, our God.
(boom, boom, boom)

Gifts of love God brings, alleluia,
filling us with joy, alleluia,
peace and goodness too, alleluia!
Praise to you, our God.
(boom, boom, boom)

By our love we show, alleluia,
How we live and grow, alleluia,
Caring for each one, alleluia!
Praise to you, our God.
(boom, boom, boom) ©Cecily Sheehy (AA)

God said ‘Let my people go that they might serve me.’
Exodus 8:1 (RSV)

Mark 10: 41-45 The son of God came to serve
Jenny Brettell
John 13: 4-17 Jesus washes the disciples’ feet
Bernie Brettell

HYMN: WOV 561 Kneels at the feet of his friends

Celebrating the call to be servants of God through the groups; Crafty Crafters and Footcare Clinic.

A conversation:


Prayers for other people

The Lord’s Prayer ~ sung (WOV 676)
Loving God, we bring these our offerings to you,
that they may be used in your service both here and far away. May it be that through these gifts your love may be made known.

HYMN: Songbook 24 Take My Gifts


We go now having committed ourselves anew
in service to the community.
May the light of Christ be our Guide.
If in some way we each can be a speck of light
Offering hope in the world,
We will feel we have played some part
in keeping the flame alive.

As the candle leads us out I invite you to offer the peace of Christ around you.

A very warm welcome to you all as you worship with us this morning. Please stay for a cup of tea or coffee in the lounge after the service,and have a look at the craft sales table.

Issues Group – TONIGHT at the Manse 5.30pm. Bring tea to share. The topic will be Crossing Denominational lines in the Christchurch Re-build. All Welcome.

CUPPA & CHAT: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon. Do pop in!

Marmalade for Missions: please support this fundraiser.

WEDNESDAY WALKERS 2nd November – meet 9.30am corner Strickland/Somerfield Streets. Coffee at Savoir in Colombo St. Allison 332 0554.

CRAFTY CRAFTERS Thursdays 10am – 12 noon in the Lounge. All are welcome. Please help us!! We require kitchen hands on a roster basis for 1½ hours only once every six weeks (the days the Foot Clinic is on) to serve tea/coffee and do dishes. The more people who volunteer, the fewer times you would be needed! For details, please contact Beverley 942 7821 or text 027 787 5868.?

FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session Thursday 17th November – please book through the Parish Office 332 6192. Be quick – only a few spaces still available!

Working with Kids – Presbytery Resourcing Event Saturday 5th November 2011 9am – 12.30pm at St Mark’s, Withells Rd, Avonhead. See noticeboard for details.

There are copies of Chris’ study leave report on the table in the foyer. Please sign the notebook if you borrow a copy.

BIRTHDAYS this week: Tue 1st Gillian.