• Session report ~ Wayne Barton
We come seeking God’s grace, that we may become healthy and whole.
As Jesus Christ has shared the life of the earth,
through Christ we may share the life of God,
in growing maturity, justice and love.
In awe, faith, and thanksgiving, we rejoice in God’s presence
and share God’s life!
HYMN: Great Creator God, You Call Us (Tune: Regent Square)
Great Creator God, you call us
through the church to do your will.
Stewards of both past and promise,
may we each our work fulfil,
building up in faith and nurture
Christ’s own mission, lively still.
Out of all our varied stories
may we weave a single tale,
here confessing sin and discord,
times we stumble, times we fail.
Yet forgiven, cleansed, refashioned,
in Christ’s strength shall we prevail.
Christ still calls to peace and justice,
health and wholeness, love and grace.
We are partners in that mission
for this time and in this place.
O God, grant us sense and courage
in the daily tasks we face.
Without vision, people perish,
without challenge, drift and die.
Give us then the tools of daring
and the clarity of eye
for creating in the present
visions far and wide and high. © JP Huber (ASF)
God, we pray this day for our children and young people and all who care for them and nurture them. As the new year opens out in school, church and community, we give thanks for them in all their diversity and uniqueness; we give thanks for them as a sign of hope – hope in the present and in the future.
Bless them, and bless leaders and all involved in the work of Christian Education in our Parish.
As we recall the work of the year past, we pray that 2012 may be a year of new opportunity, achievement, joy and fulfilment; in the name of Jesus. AMEN.
SONG: Songbook 2 Christians Are All Kinds of People
READINGS: 2 Kings 5: 1-14 Audrey Dunnachie
Mark 1: 40-45 Bob Kayes
SERMON: God in the Surprising & Unexpected
HYMN: Songbook 10 I, the Lord of Sea and Sky
God, we bring this offering as an act of commitment;
as a pledge that our discipleship is for real.
Receive our offerings and bless them,
that these gifts might grow ministry and mission
within this church family and the wider world.
O God, enable us to know the Source and the Love
that makes all things possible. Amen.
HYMN: Songbook 47 That Christ May be Known
A very warm welcome to you all as you worship with us this morning. Please stay for a cup of tea or coffee in the lounge after the service.
NEXT SUNDAY 19th February: Pancake Sunday – there will be pancake races and yummy pikelets and cream for morning tea.
CUPPA & CHAT Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon. Do pop in! For details, please contact Aubrey 930 2525.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 15th February ~ meet 9.30am on corner of Somerfield & Strickland Streets for a walk around Somerfield, followed by coffee at Savoire in Colombo St. Allison 332 0554.
BOARD OF MANAGERS meets Wednesday 15th February at 7.30pm.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS Thursdays 10am until 12 noon. Newcomers welcome. Please contact Beverley 332 7786 for more information.
FOOTCARE CLINIC: The next session on this Thursday is fully booked. For more information about the clinic, please contact Lyndsey 388 1264.
NEIGHBOURHOOD BBQ Sunday 26th February 5.00 – 7.00pm. Everything provided. Enquiries to Sonya please 339 7038.
MARMALADE FOR MISSIONS ~ please support this fundraiser!
SENIORS’ DAY TRIP Archer is running its next day trip for Seniors on Thursday 16th February. We are travelling to a farm near Springfield, and having a farm tour and shearing exhibition.
After lunch there is an optional jet boat ride up the Waimak Canyon, where there are historic sites to view and you can look at where the Coast to Coast competition takes place.
Archer tour of $45 includes travel, farm tour and exhibition, morning tea, BBQ lunch. The optional jet boat ride is discounted to $40 (normally $90!). For inquiries and bookings, please contact Archer on 943-6006.
ASH WEDNESDAY COMMUNION & REMEMBRANCE SERVICE On Wednesday 22nd February at 7pm the Association of Presbyterian Women and the Methodist Women’s Fellowship will be holding an Ash Wednesday Communion Service at St Martin’s. The service is open to everyone in the congregation to attend and will also include a Remembrance for 22/2/11. We look forward to seeing you all at this service. Allison 332 0554.
A LENTEN STUDY is planned for four weeks in March, based on the film The King’s Speech. The studies will be held in the evening, probably Thursdays (8, 15, 22 & 29). If you are interested, please sign the clipboard in the foyer. Chris Elliot.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 2nd March 10am at St Mark’s Anglican Church Hall, Opawa Rd. Details to follow.
An Invitation is extended to all from St Martins, St James & Hoon Hay to join Cashmere Hills for a picnic on Sunday 11th March, Halswell Quarry at midday. The booked site is the Lions picnic area – enter from Kennedys Bush Rd. The site will be labelled. All Welcome.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Mon 13th Margot; Wed 15th Alexandria, Beryl; Fri 17th Joan, Peter.