Sunday 18 November 2012

In this time of worship let us remember that the good news
reaches to the ends of the earth.
Let us remember that the embrace of God’s love is world-wide –
that it leaps every barrier.
In this time of worship let us remember that when the service is over, the open door will lead us to the wider world.
As we have worshipped God here, by word and song and silence,
there we will worship God by our care for others.

HYMN: Praise with Joy the World’s Creator (Tune: Praise My Soul)
Praise with joy the world’s Creator,
God of justice, love and peace,
source and end of human knowledge,
God whose grace shall never cease.
Celebrate the Maker’s glory,
power to rescue and release.

Praise the Christ who feeds the hungry,
frees the captive, finds the lost,
heals the sick, upsets religion,
fearless both of fate and cost.
Celebrate Christ’s constant presence –
friend and stranger, guest and host.

Praise the Spirit sent among us,
liberating truth from pride,
forging bonds where race or gender,
age or nation dare divide.
Celebrate the Spirit’s treasure –
foolishness none dare deride.

Praise the Maker, Christ and Spirit,
one God in community,
calling Christians to embody
oneness and diversity.
Thus the world shall yet believe,
when shown Christ’s vibrant unity. © Iona Community (VU)


HYMN: Every Day I Will Offer You
Every day I will offer you,
loving God, my heart and mind,
every way I discover you
in the work your hand has signed;
help me see I’m your image, and
you have dreamed what I might be,
every day in your Spirit,
I’ll find the love and energy!

Every day I will look to Christ,
and give thanks for wine and bread
through the pain and the emptiness
where your world cries to be fed;
help me see I can work for change,
and wherever I might be,
every day in your Spirit,
I’ll find the love and energy!

Every day I will take your word,
answer your compassion’s claim,
celebrate every sign of hope,
every deed done in your name;
help me see you are always there,
and your light can shine through me,
every day in your Spirit,
I’ll find the love and energy! © Shirley Murray (AA)

READINGS: 2 Corinthians 8: 1-7 Hilary Moore

Matthew 25: 31-40 Barry Moore


REFLECTION: God made the Earth to be a Common Treasury

HYMN: Brother, Sister, Let Me Serve You (Barbara’s choice)
Brother, sister, let me serve you, We are pilgrims on a journey,
let me be as Christ to you, we are travellers on the road,
pray that I may have the grace we are here to help each other
to let you be my servant too. walk the mile and bear the load.

I will hold the Christ-light for you I will weep when you are weeping,
in the night-time of your fear, when you laugh, I’ll laugh with you,
I will hold my hand out to you, I will share your joy and sorrow
speak the peace you long to hear. till we’ve seen this journey through.

When we sing to God in heaven,
we shall find such harmony,
born of all we’ve known together
of Christ’s love, and agony.
Repeat first verse © S in S (AA)




HYMN: In Loving Partnership (Tune: Church Triumphant WOV 1)
In Loving partnership we come,
seeking, O God, your will to do.
Our prayers and actions now receive;
we freely offer them to you.

We are the hands and feet of Christ,
serving by grace each other’s need.
We dare to risk and sacrifice
with truthful word and faithful deed.

Loving community we seek;
your hope and strength within us move.
The poor and rich, the strong and weak
are brought together in your love.

In loving partnership, O God,
help us your future to proclaim.
Justice and peace be our desire,
we humbly pray in Jesus’ name. © Desert Flower Music (VU)
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Morning tea will be served after the service. Next week we will be celebrating Stir Up Sunday,

TANZANIAN LUNCH TODAY 12 noon. $5 per person. Please see Sonya if you would like to join one of the groups. Please note there are now three venues – thanks to the Meiers, Hodders & McLeods for hosting a lunch.
For those unable to attend, there will be an opportunity to make a donation during this morning’s service.

CUPPA & CHAT: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon. All welcome. Aubrey 930 2525.

WEDNESDAY WALKERS 21st November: Meet 9.30am by Hoon Hay Park at the end of Victors Rd. Coffee to follow at the Old Vicarage. June 332 8874.

SESSION meets on Wednesday 21st November in the Beckenham Methodist Lounge at 7.30pm.

CRAFTY CRAFTERS meets every Thursday 10am – 12 noon. $3 per session. New faces are always welcome ?. Beverley 332 7786.

FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session Monday 10th December 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist. Please phone Anna to book.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wed & Thurs 9am – 12 noon & Fri 9-11am. Phone 332 6192. Email: WEBSITE:

The Christchurch City Mission is opening and dedicating their new building at 274 Hereford St on Friday 23rd November at 2pm. All are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to 371 0615.

St Mark’s Anglican Church Opawa Fair Saturday 24th November from 9am. Everyone welcome.

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Mon 19th Thomas; Sat 24th Deirdre.