Lent 1 Sunday 17 February 2013


Now is the time of returning,
returning to God, our first love.
Now is the time of turning away,
turning away from all that separates us from God.
Now is the time of lifting,
for lifting the burdens we carry.
Now is the time of renewing,
renewing heart, mind, and spirit.
Now is the time:
Lent’s demanding, yet fulfilling pilgrimage begins.

HYMN: O God, Whom We Praise (Tune: Hanover WOV 67)
O God, whom we praise from morning till night,
your grace fills our days as lustrous as light.
In joy or in sorrow we call on your name,
today and tomorrow, as always the same.

We know without you our living is vain.
You give us a view of life that’s humane,
of growing and learning that never should cease,
of working and yearning for justice and peace.

Our knowledge is frail. Your wisdom is pure.
Our scheming may fail. Your actions are sure.
Our striving can never our full hopes attain,
your truth lasts forever, eternal your reign.

Now fit us for life in this time and place.
Calm all fear and strife and grant us the grace
to stand with our Saviour, proclaiming to all,
by faith and behaviour, response to your call. (© unknown)


TIME WITH THE CHILDREN Cynthia & Jamie Cross
SONG: The Church is Wherever People are Praising
The Church is wherever God’s people are praising,
knowing they’re wanted and loved by their Lord.
The Church is wherever Christ’s followers are trying
to live and to share out the good news of God.

the Church is wherever God’s people are loving,
where all are forgiven and start once again,
where all are accepted, whatever their background,
whatever their past and whatever their pain.

The Church is wherever God’s people are seeking
to reach out and touch folk wherever they are –
conveying the Gospel, its joy and its comfort,
to challenge, refresh, and excite and inspire.

The Church is wherever God’s people are praising,
knowing we’re wanted and loved by our Lord.
The Church is where we as Christ’s followers are trying
to live and to share out the good news of God. © W. Jenkins (CH4)


READINGS: Paraphrase of Psalm 91 (Leslie Brandt) Warren Pettigrew

Dramatic Reading: Luke 4: 1-13 (John Shanks & Carol Sheldon)

SERMON: The Uncertainty of Faith


HYMN: Jesus Tempted in the Desert (Tune: Blaenwern WOV 165 ii)
Jesus tempted in the desert,
lonely, hungry, tired and worn:
“Use your power,” the tempter tells him;
“turn these barren rocks to bread.”
“Not alone by bread,” he answers,
“can the human heart be filled.
Only by the Word that calls us
Is our deepest hunger stilled.”

Jesus tempted at the temple,
high above its ancient wall:
“throw yourself from lofty turret;
angels wait to break your fall!”
Jesus shuns such empty marvels,
feats that fickle crowds request:
“God whose grace protects, preserves us,
we must never vainly test.”

Jesus, tempted on the mountain
by the lure of vast domain:
fall before me! Be my servant!
Glory, fame, you’re sure to gain!”
Jesus sees the dazzling vision,
turns his eyes another way:
“God alone deserves our homage!
God alone will I obey! © GIA Publications, Inc (VU)

Not by magic, but through the generosity of your people,
do stones become bread, O God.
Not by gathering power to ourselves, but through serving others,
do we find the purpose of our lives.
Not by upfront guarantees, but through trusting and risking,
do we live faithfully.
As we thank you, God, for wilderness reminders,
we bring these gifts for the building of a church community
that will share burdens and gladden hearts.
May it be so, in Jesus’ name. Amen.



HYMN: That Christ May Be Known (June Service)
Let all who would serve Him, renew and revive
Their faith in Christ Jesus, so it can be shown
To all the world’s people – His love is alive,
And this is our challenge, for Christ should be known.

Tell it out, tell it out,
With His love in our voice,
Spread His word, spread His word,
Let us all now rejoice,
We’ll tell of the good news in country and town,
Proclaiming this message, until Christ is known.

Begin with us now, Lord, to plan and prepare
Our lives for Your service, both here and at home;
We pray that Your Spirit will help us to share
Our worship together, that Christ may be known.

O let me respond, Lord, to Your stirring call,
Discover the talents which are mine alone,
Please strengthen and help me bring Your word to all
In faith and involvement, for Christ must be known.

Let us share Your vision to change the whole world,
We’ll all spread the message and pray seeds are sown;
A great celebration, our love for You held,
Forgiveness and new life – AND CHRIST WILL BE KNOWN.


BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Sun 17th Joan, Peter; Fri 22nd Lindsay, Ross; Sat 23rd Bessie.

A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Morning tea will be served after the service.

LENTEN STUDIES: Those people who expressed an interest in the studies will be contacted directly. Chris.

BOARD OF MANAGERS’ meeting Wednesday 20th February 7.30pm.

WEDNESDAY WALKERS 20th February. Meet 9.30am by the bridge to the kiosk in Armagh St carpark for a wander round the Botanic Gardens for Festival of Flowers. Coffee afterwards in the newly reopened Museum Cafe. June 332 8874.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 1st March 10am
St Anne’s Anglican Church, cnr Centaurus & Wilsons Roads.
St Martin’s are hosting the service for the Opawa/St Martins area and we invite you all to attend this ecumenical service written this year by the women of France. We would appreciate it if you could please bring a plate for morning tea – something with a French theme if you are feeling adventurous!
We look forward to seeing you at the service. Invite your friends and neighbours to join you. This service is for everyone, not just women.

CUPPA & CHAT: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon in the Lounge at Beckenham Methodist. All welcome. Aubrey 930 2525.

CRAFTY CRAFTERS meets every Thursday from 10am – 12 noon in the Beckenham Methodist Lounge. $3 per session. New faces are always welcome ?. Beverley 332 7786.

FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session Monday 11th March 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist. More volunteers desperately required please! Enquiries and offers of help to Lyndsey 388 1264.

GARDENERS UNITE and divide your perennials. We will be having a garden stall at Cashmere Presbyterian Church’s Fair on 16th March. More details later regarding transport of plants to Cashmere. If you would like to help on the day, with setting up, pricing, selling – even for a short time – please let Anna know 332 6192. Mission Resource Committee.

PARISH OFFICE hours: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon and Friday 9-11am. Contact Anna on 332 6192 or email stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. WEBSITE: www.stmartins.org.nz

The 5th Christchurch Girls’ Brigade Company (part of Beckenham Methodist’s outreach) is looking for new members. Meetings are held every Wednesday during school terms at Merchiston, 75 St Martins Rd, where the girls enjoy fun activities to educate, inspire and develop physical, social and educational skills.
5-8 years: 3.15 – 4.45pm. 9 & over: 7.00 – 8.30pm.
Please contact Dianne Claughton 332 2889 for further information.

HUB NEWS: Please see the noticeboard in the foyer for this week’s information.

Fair Weather – Trestle Fair

Saturday 13th April (if wet Saturday 20th April)

We will be having a Fair Weather – Trestle Fair on the Church site on Saturday 13th April 2013, (if wet Saturday 20th April) so start cleaning out your cupboards.
We will let you know in good time where to deliver your goods or would you like them to be collected?
We are only having the following stalls/tables:-
White Elephant
We do not want large electrical items, such as TVs, Computers,Stereos No household furniture please.

We look forward to everyone helping to make this event a success.