The service will proceed unannounced
CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 150 (from Psalms for Praying)
Praise the Lord!
Praise be to God in earth’s sanctuary;
praise be to God in the mighty firmament!
Praise his mighty works of love;
praise the glory and extol the greatness of Love Divine!
Give praise with trumpets;
give praise with lute and harp!
Give praise with tambourine and dance;
give praise with strings and pipe!
Give praise with booming drums;
give praise with crashing cymbals!
Let everything that breathes
praise the Lord with their lives!
May it be so now and forever. © Nan Merrill
HYMN: With a Hoot and a Toot
With a hoot and a toot
on a pipe or a flute
we will praise, we will worship God;
with a hum or a thrum,
with a roll on a drum,
we will make him a joyful noise.
Bow a cello that is mellow,
sound a trumpet call,
blow a horn and a deep bassoon;
every instrument is playing,
with our voices we are saying
we rejoice, we are glad in God.
With a flat or a sharp,
with a chord on a harp,
we will praise, we will worship God;
with a ping on a string,
with a choir that can sing,
we will make him a joyful noise.
With the clap of a hand,
or the sound of a band,
we will praise, we will worship God;
with a paper and comb,
on an old trombone,
we will make him a joyful noise.
With a peal on a bell,
with a cheer or a yell,
we will praise, we will worship God;
with a bong on a gong,
through the words of this song,
we will make him a joyful noise. © Colin Gibson (AA)
SONG: How is Jesus Present?
RIGHT SIDE: How is Jesus present? How is Jesus present?
How is Jesus present today?
Tell me how he’s present.
Tell me how he’s present.
Tell me how he’s present today.
LEFT SIDE: He’s present in the children, present in the family,
present in the meal that you share.
He’s present when you’re laughing,
present when you’re giving,
present when you listen and care.
R—side But I cannot see him, but I cannot see him,
but I cannot see him today.
Are you just pretending?
How can it be real?
I would like to see him today.
L- side Every time you listen, every time you’re sorry,
every time you care for a friend,
that is when he’s present,
though you do not see him,
“I am with you always”, he said.
ALL – Now I understand. Now I understand.
Let us celebrate today!
He’s present in the WORD,
present in the PEOPLE,
present in the breaking of BREAD.
© Cecily Sheehy (AA)
SKETCH: The Hypothetical Anniversary
READING: I Will Sing to My God ~ Sue Saunders
(A New Psalm in the Celtic Tradition – David Adam)
HYMN: Ours is a Singing Faith (Tune: Diademata WOV 163)
Ours is a singing faith! Now here the hymns we raise.
Resounding, strong, the years along and echoing our praise.
Ours is a singing faith! In confidence we sing:
Creation’s throne is God’s alone, so joyous voices ring.
Ours is a singing faith! Through all the ebb and flow
of youth and age, on history’s page we see saints come and go.
Ours is a singing faith! The melody rolls on,
sustained by those whose voices rose in praise in times long gone.
Ours is a singing faith! Upheld by work and prayer
that justice, peace and hope not cease but flourish everywhere.
Ours is a singing faith! Though grief or pain hold sway,
Christ still shall dwell, Emmanuel! God with us all the way.
Ours is a singing faith! All thanks to God be sung
by people here both far and near in every land and tongue.
Ours is a singing faith! Let psalms and anthems rise
from sun and moon and stars in tune till music fills the skies!
© Jane Parker Huber (ASF)
THE OFFERING: Music Group (Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves)
As we celebrate this day, we give you thanks God, for the gift of song, and for music that expresses what words cannot say.
We bring these gifts as an expression of our thanksgiving.
Bless them, and us we pray, as we seek to serve in and with the neighbourhoods and communities around us, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
HYMN: Throughout this Winter Season (Tune: WOV 176 Tyrolese)
Throughout this winter season,
in nature’s mid-year womb,
Christ grant you life and laughter
to lighten frosty gloom –
to lift our flagging spirits
beyond these short-lived days
to Advent and each coming
which fills our lives with praise.
You come as puddles crackle
beneath the children’s feet:
you come in leafless branches
outlined against the sleet:
you come when lives diminish
as smog envelopes all:
you come as snow which blankets
earth’s grime beneath its fall.
You come as fire and candle
and all that warms the heart:
you come in party feasting,
in music, dance and art:
you come in ancient stories
of years that are no more:
you come as liberation
and power for all the poor.
We seek to know your presence
in grey days and in bright:
in all the earth’s abundance
and during nature’s night:
but when we cannot see you
through blindness or through pain
enfold us in your dying
and rise in us again. © Bill Wallace (STC)
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Morning tea will be served after the service.
SUNDAY WORSHIP TIME FOR WINTER: 10am each week, until 4th August (except for 21st July, which will be 9am). During the time of combined services, we suggest you place your cash offering in an envelope labelled “St Martins”.
ST MARTIN’S PARISH 85th BIRTHDAY Sunday 7th July 2013:
Three course lunch at the Cashmere Club 12.30pm. Cost: $22.50 (children $10). Please sign the form today if you are coming. We need numbers by next Sunday 30th June. Come along and enjoy this time together. Any queries? Please contact Allison 332 0554 or Chris.
CUPPA & CHAT: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon in the Lounge at Beckenham Methodist. All welcome. Aubrey 930 2525.
FIRESIDE: Joan M has invited us to meet at her home on Tuesday 25th June at 7.30pm to hear about her holiday and have a ‘catch-up’ with each other. We welcome other women to join us for the evening. Enquiries: Joan 337 1648 or Margaret 366 8936.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 26th June: Meet 9.30am in Holliss Ave just off Centaurus Rd. NB: This walk will have some up-hill parts! Coffee at Cuppa & Chat, Malcolm Ave. June 332 8874.
CARING & SHARING meets again for friendship, fun and food at 2pm on Wednesday 26th June in the Beckenham Methodist Lounge. Everyone welcome. Fern 332 4725.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays from 10am – 12 noon in the Beckenham Methodist Lounge. $3 per session. New faces are always welcome ?. Beverley 332 7786.
COMBINED HUB CAFÉ-STYLE SERVICE Sunday 30th June 3pm at Hoon Hay Presbyterian Church, hosted by Hoon Hay & St James’. Everyone welcome.
PRELIMINARY NOTICE: Our financial year ends next week. Now is the time to write annual reports. Please give them to Anna or email them to the Office by WEDNESDAY 31st JULY at the very latest. Chris.
FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session Monday 22nd July 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist. Please book through the Parish Office.
NOTICES need to be received by 9am Thursday please. Anna.
KEEP AN EYE ON THE WEBSITE: www.stmartins.org.nz
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon and Friday 9-11am. Phone 332 6192 or email stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. Location: St Anne’s Anglican Church, 7 Wilsons Rd (at the rear of the site near the sandpit).
HUB NEWS: Please see the noticeboard in the foyer for this week’s information. If you would like to receive this via email, please let Anna know.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Sun 23rd Betty; Wed 26th Christine; Thu 27th Gwendoline.