Sunday 15 June 2014

O come, let us worship and bow down,
Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker!

For he is our God
and we the people of his pasture
and the sheep of his hand.

HYMN: O Laughing Light (Tune: Christe Sanctorum WOV2)
O laughing Light, O first-born of creation,
Radiance of glory, light from light begotten,
God self-revealing, holy, bright and blessed:
You shine upon us.

Day’s light is fleeting, yours is light eternal;
We look to you, our light within the shadow.
We sing to you, Creator, Christ, and Spirit.
You shine before us.

Light of the world, O Jesus Christ, we bless you.
Giver of life and Child of God, we praise you.
Hear as the universe proclaims your glory!
You shine among us. © Sylvia G. Dunstan (CH4)


CHILDREN’S SONG: Hello Everybody!
Hello everybody! How do you do? How do you do? How do you do?
Hello everybody! How do you do? God loves you today.

If your name is — clap now,
If your name is — clap now.
If your name is — clap now,
If your name is — clap now.
Hello everybody!…
If you have red on, clap now,
If you have blue on, clap now.
If you have green on, clap now,
If you have yellow on, clap now.
Hello everybody!…

If you like spaghetti, clap now,
If you like swimming, clap now.
If you like rainbows, clap now,
If you like biking, clap now.
Hello everybody!…

Genesis 1: 1-4; 26-27

Psalm 8 (Responsive)
O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger.

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established;
What are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? Yet you have made them a little lower than God,

And crowned them with glory and honour. You have given them dominion over the works of your hands
You have put all things under their feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas.

O Lord, our Sovereign,
How majestic is your name in all the earth!

2 Corinthians 13: 11-13

Matthew 28: 16-20

SERMON: Rev. Dr John McKean

HYMN: O Thou who Camest from Above (Tune: Wilton WOV486i)
O thou who camest from above
The pure celestial fire to impart,
Kindle a flame of sacred love
On the mean altar of my heart.

There let if for thy glory burn
With inextinguishable blaze
And trembling to its source return,
In humble prayer and fervent praise.

Jesus, confirm my heart’s desire
To work, and speak, and think for thee;
Still let me guard the holy fire,
And still stir up thy gift in me,

Ready for all thy perfect will,
My acts of faith and love repeat,
Till death thy endless mercies seal,
And make the sacrifice complete.



Father, Son and Spirit Holy
We give you thanks and praise
and dedicate to you
our thoughts, our words
our gifts, our deeds.
The working of our hands
the thinking of our minds
the loving of our hearts.


HYMN: All Praise to our Redeeming Lord (Tune: Lucius WOV367ii)
All praise to our redeeming Lord,
Who joins us by his grace,
And bids us, each to each restored,
Together seek his face.

He bids us build each other up;
And, gathered into one,
To our high calling’s glorious hope
We hand in hand go on.

The gift which he on one bestows,
We all delight to prove;
The grace through every vessel flows,
In purest streams of love.

Even now we think and speak the same,
And cordially agree;
Concentred all, through Jesus’ name,
In perfect harmony.

We all partake the joy of one,
The common peace we feel,
A peace to sensual minds unknown,
A joy unspeakable.

And if our fellowship below
In Jesus be so sweet,
What heights of rapture shall we know
When round his throne we meet.


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for morning tea after the service.


MIDWINTER SERVICE 10am Sunday 29th June: Come dressed for midwinter with your hats, gloves and scarves.

WEDNESDAY WALKERS 18th June: Carpool from 43 St Martins Rd at 9.05am to Aidanfield. Or meet 9.30am in Eaglesome Ave, immediate R off McMahon Dr, which is off Dunbars Rd. Coffee at the Old Vicarage. June 332 8874.

BOARD OF MANAGERS meet this Wednesday 18th June 7.30pm.

CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am – 12 noon in the lounge at Beckenham Methodist. $3. New faces always welcome ?. Beverley 332 7786.

PARISH MIDWINTER LUNCHEON Sunday 29th June 12 noon for 12.30pm at the Cashmere Club. TODAY is your final opportunity to sign up if you wish to attend. Cost $24.50 per person, payable on the day. Allison 332 0554.

BACON FUNDRAISER: $8 per pack. Order by 29th June. Delivered second week of July (TBC). See Joan Mac for more information 337 1648.

CARING & SHARING or Awesome Antiques or PJ’s (Precious Jewels) will be meeting on Wednesday 25th June 2pm at Beckenham Methodist. All are welcome. Irene 332 7306.

COURT THEATRE presents Roger Hall’s “You Can Always Hand Them Back” Thursday 25th September 6.30pm. Tickets $42. Sign the list if you are interested; payment required by the end of August. Queries to Sue 960 7657.

THE PARISH OFFICE HOURS are Wednesday & Thursday 9am-12noon & Friday 9-11am. Phone 332 6192 or email, or pop in to 7 Wilsons Rd.

FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session Monday 28th July 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist.

THIS WEEK’S HUB REPORT is displayed in the wall in the Lounge.
ROADWORKS ALERT: Birdwood Ave is currently one way. If heading towards town, follow the diversion along Corson Ave, down Waimea Tce and back up Martin Ave. Malcolm Ave is closed from Birdwood Ave.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Sun 15th Julian; Thu 19th June (80), James.

Hub Activities for the week 15th – 22nd June 2014

St James’ Presbyterian Church
Sun 15 June 2.30pm House Warming: Stephanie invites everyone at St James to her house warming/blessing at 2.30 p.m. at 36 Caulfield Ave, off Murphy’s Rd which is off Halswell Junction Rd. It is BYO everything; i.e. drink, food, chairs etc.

Tue 10 June Little Kids Music
Fri 13 June Friday Kids

St Martin’s Presbyterian Church
NB: all events at Beckenham Methodist, Malcolm Ave, unless otherwise specified.
Sun 15 June 10am Combined Service with Beckenham Methodist
Tue 17 June 7.30pm Indoor Bowls,Salvation Army, Southampton St. 332 7786.
Wed 18 June 9.30am Walking Group. Aidanfield. June 332 8874.
7.30pm Board of Managers meeting
Thu 19 June 10am-12noon Crafty Crafters. $3. All welcome. Beverley 332 7786.
Sun 22 June 10am Combined Service with Beckenham Methodist.

Hoon Hay Presbyterian Church
Mondays: 9.30 am & 10.40am Tai Chi in lounge, Brian 338 6228
6.30pm Christchurch South Parents Centre. Vivien 337 2825
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls. Pat 353 0265
Tuesdays: 10.00 am mainly music @ Hoon Hay. Eleanor 960 4824
Wednesdays: 8.00 – 11.00am Vege Co-op in halls – contact Shilo 338 3943
1.00 pm West Spreydon Ladies Indoor Bowls. Sheila 960 4412
7.00 pm Scottish Country Dancing. David 322 7954
Thursdays: 9.30 am & 10.40am Tai Chi in lounge. Brian 338 6228
6.30pm Christchurch South Parents Centre. Vivien 337 2825
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls. Pat 353 0265
Fridays: 7.00 pm LIFT – Youth programme. Matt 027 389 0000
Saturdays: 9.00am – 12.00pm Ballet Group. Suzie 338 1017
1.30 pm Hoon Hay Indoor Bowls. Brian 338 4488

Cashmere Hills Presbyterian Church
Mon 16 June 9.30am Pre-School Music
2.00pm Foot Clinic } phone office (332 7129) for
Tues 17 June 9.30am Foot Clinic } appointments
Wed 18 June 10.00am Forum – discuss last Sunday’s Readings. All Welcome.
Thurs 19 June 10.30am – 12 noon Prayer Group at 20 Major Aiken Drive