WELCOME AND NOTICES ~ Board of Managers’ Report
Jesus, head of the Church,
you have called us into the fellowship of your people;
into communities of love and support.
Jesus, sign of peace in a divided world,
you have called your Church to be a sign of unity,
drawing nations and races together in harmony.
Jesus, you hold out the promise of a new creation,
you have called us to respect all people,
as God’s loved sons and daughters.
HYMN: O Many People of All Lands
O many people of all lands now come to God with praise;
together shall we praise our God, LORD of all culture’s ways.
O varied tongues of humankind, now congregate to sing
with hymns of joy and wonderment, thank off’ring we would bring.
O Fount of Love and Light and Life, we thank you for this day;
we are assured of your supply of grace all through the way.
O Source of hope, desire and dream, just as we are, we come,
inspired by you and your great beam to know more of your home.
From here we all go out to share in offices and homes,
your never-failing love and care in substance, deeds, and forms. © Sound the Bamboo
CHILDREN’S SONG: The Church is Wherever
The Church is wherever God’s people are praising,
knowing they’re wanted and loved by their Lord.
The Church is wherever Christ’s followers are trying
to live and to share out the good news of God.
The Church is wherever God’s people are loving,
where all are forgiven and start once again,
where all are accepted, whatever their background,
whatever their past and whatever their pain.
The Church is wherever God’s people are seeking
to reach out and touch folk wherever they are –
conveying the Gospel, its joy and its comfort,
to challenge, refresh, and excite and inspire. © W. Jenkins (CH4)
READINGS: Acts 8: 26-40 Wayne Barton
Matthew 5: 13-16 Joan Macdonald
Faith, Culture and The Church – with John E & Mele
HYMN: The Love of God is Broad (WOV 667)
The love of God is broad like beach and mountain,
wide as the wind, and our eternal home.
God leaves us free to seek him or reject him;
he gives us room to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
The love of God is broad like beach and mountain,
wide as the wind, and our eternal home.
We long for freedom, where our truest being
is given hope and courage to unfold.
We seek in freedom space and scope for dreaming,
and look for ground where trees and plants may grow.
But there are walls that keep us all divided;
we fence each other in with hate and war.
Fear is the bricks-and-mortar of our prison;
our pride of self the prison coat we wear.
O, judge us, Lord, and in your judgment free us,
and set our feet in freedom’s open space;
Take us as far as your compassion wanders
among the children of the human race. © Stainer & Bell (WOV)
God, in your grace you call us on, to never settle for what has always been. You call us to a greater understanding of the rich diversity of people and cultures you have blessed us with.
We bring these gifts for blessing, along with our commitment to work together; that your church might build healthy community, sharing with all the fullness of your love. In Jesus’ name we pray. AMEN.
HYMN: God Gives Us a Future (Tune: Camberwell WOV 170ii)
God give us a future, daring us to go
into dreams and dangers on a path unknown.
We will face tomorrow in the Spirit’s power,
we will let God change us,
for new life starts now.
We must leave behind us sins of yesterday,
for God’s new beginning is a better way.
Fear and doubt and habit must not hold us back:
God gives hope, and insight,
and the strength we lack.
Holy Spirit, teach us how to read the signs,
how to meet the challenge of our troubled times.
Love us into action, stir us into prayer,
till we choose God’s life,
and find our future there. © Elizabeth Smith (TIS)
Winter Combined services at 10.00am continue until 16th August.
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service.
Singing Group today at 4pm (note time) in the Church. Bill 338 1651.
NEXT Sunday 28th June: Chris will be leading worship next Sunday and we will take the opportunity to thank her for her years given to St Martin’s at the end of the Service. You are all invited to morning tea in the Lounge.
For those coming to the Cashmere Club (the list is now full), please make your way over by 12.20 – lunch will be served at 12.30. Please pay on your arrival ($30.50) and your name will be crossed off the list. Allison 332 0554.
FIRESIDE: Tuesday 23rd June 7.30pm at Joan’s, 2 Pentonville
Close, Westmorland. Please bring along an old favourite recipe to share and maybe a story as to why it’s a favourite. All women are very welcome.
Joan 338 8700.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 24th June: Meet 9.30am in Richmond (angle park in London St off Stanmore Rd). Coffee at Ma & Pa’s, 319 Stanmore Rd. All are welcome. Sonya 339 7038.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am – 12 noon in the Lounge. $3 a session. New faces are always welcome ?. Beverley 332 7786.
CARING AND SHARING: THURSDAY 25th June 2015 at 2pm. Bring your memories of Caring and Sharing in days gone by. Afternoon tea will be provided. Please let anyone know who has been associated with Caring and Sharing over the years. For more information, check with Irene 332 7306.
PHONE LIST UPDATE: The phone number for Alice Shanks is 337 1256.
ST MARTIN’S PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wed & Thurs 9am-12noon and Fri 9-11am. Phone 332 6192 or email stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. Please ensure Notices in by 9am Thursday each week. Website: www.stmartins.org.nz
STOP PRESS: Fundraising Calendars for sale next Sunday ($20). Bring cash! Rob & Barbara Meier 379 1474.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Tue 23rd Betty; Fri 26th Christine; Sat 27th Gwendoline.