AN AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Leader and congregation together:
Christ Jesus, child of Mary
King and suffering servant, High Priest and Lamb of God
Teacher and word, living, suffering, dying and rising again
you challenge, redeem and restore us
Holy Spirit, Breath of life
Counsellor and Comforter, Fire of God
you inspire, sustain and purify us
Forming us in the nature of Christ transforming us with your gifts
you bind us together in one body, your church
God of all creation
your boundless love exposes our rebellion and greed
Like a mother who will not abandon her child
Like a father who welcomes the prodigal home
you forgive, accept and embrace us
and call us into loving communion for ever
In life and death we belong to you Heavenly Father
HYMN: Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,
bow down before him, his glory proclaim;
gold of obedience and incense of lowliness
bring, and adore him: the Lord is his name.
Low at his feet lay thy burden of carefulness,
high on his heart he will bear it for thee,
comfort thy sorrows, and answer thy prayerfulness,
guiding thy steps as may best for thee be.
Fear not to enter his courts in the slenderness
of the poor wealth thou wouldst reckon as thine:
truth in its beauty and love in its tenderness,
these are the offerings to lay on his shrine.
These, though we bring them in trembling and fearfulness,
he will accept for the name that is dear,
mornings of joy give for evenings of tearfulness,
trust for our trembling and hope, and hope for our fear.
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,
bow down before him, his glory proclaim;
gold of obedience and incense of lowliness
bring, and adore him: the Lord is his name. ©JSB Monsell (WOV382)
HYMN: Thank you for giving me the morning
Thank you for giving me the morning, thank you for every day that’s new,
thank you for new things in store for me and for work to do.
Thank you for all my friends and family, thank you for everyone that lives,
thank you that even greatest enemies I can forgive.
Thank you for many little sorrows, thank you for every kindly word,
thank you that in the midst of trouble, sympathy is stirred.
Thank you, I see the word has meaning, thank you, I know your spirit here,
thank you because you love all people, those both far and near.
Thank you, O Lord, for speaking to us,thank you for telling us you care,
thank you, O Lord, you came among us, bread and wine to share.
Thank you, O Lord, your love is boundless, thank you that I am full of you, thank you, you make me feel so glad and thankful as I do. ©Bosworth & Co Ltd
Psalm 126 Lyn Steele
Philippians 3:4b-14 Deborah Fitchett
MESSAGE: Defiance
HYMN: Be Still my Soul
Be still, my soul: the Lord is on your side;
bear patiently the cross of grief and pain;
leave to your God to order and provide,
in every change he faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: your best, your heavenly friend
through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
Be still, my soul: your God will undertake
to guide the future as he has the past.
Your hope, your confidence let nothing shake,
all now mysterious shall be clear at last.
Be still my soul: the tempests still obey
his voice, who ruled them once on Galilee.
Be still, my soul: when dearest friends depart
and all is darkened in the vale of tears,
then you shall better know his love, his heart,
who comes to soothe your sorrow, calm your fears.
Be still, my soul: for Jesus can repay
from his own fullness all he takes away.
Be still, my soul: the hour is hastening on
when we shall be for ever with the Lord,
when disappointment, grief and fear are gone,
sorrow forgotten, love’s pure joy restored.
Be still, my soul: when change and tears are past,
all safe and blessed we shall meet at last. ©K von Schlegel (WOV48)
THE OFFERING Leader and congregation together:
We have the means to give. We have the reason to give
There are so many waiting to be given
Our offering and all others given this day
Is blessed by you for their needs
Stepping out in faith, down the road of faith
We do this united, as your people
Called and sent to be a blessing for all the world
In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
HYMN: Will You Come and Follow Me © WGRG, The Iona Community (VU)
Will you come and follow me if I but call your name?
Will you go where you don’t know and never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown, will you let my name be known,
will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?
Will you leave yourself behind if I but call your name?
Will you care for cruel and kind and never be the same?
Will you risk the hostile stare should your life attract or scare?
Will you let me answer prayer in you and you in me?
Christ, your summons echoes true when you but call my name.
Let me turn and follow you and never be the same?
In your company I’ll go where your love and footsteps show.
this I’ll move and live and grow in you and you in me.
BLESSING Leader and congregation together:
Fortify us with the grace of your Holy Spirit
Give your peace to our souls
That we may be free from all needless, anxiety, concern and worry
Assist us to desire always that which is pleasing and acceptable to you
So that your will, Heavenly Father, may be our will also
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service. Many thanks to David Beaumont for leading our worship today.
24th March 7pm Maundy Thursday Combined Service
25th March 10am Good Friday Combined Service
27th March 9am Easter Day Communion for St Martin’s
All of these services will be led by Rev Lyndsey McKay. Please join us.
FOOT CLINIC: Next Session TOMORROW 1-4pm in the Lounge. New helpers are always very welcome. See Lyndsey 388 1264 for details.
LENTEN STUDIES conclude with Mele on Wednesday16 March at 10am in the Church.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 16th March: Meet at 9.30 at main entrance South Library for a walk in lower Cashmere. Coffee at Red Cafe at the Library. All welcome on walk and/or coffee. Joan 338 8700.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am-12 noon in the Lounge. $3.
PARISH OFFICE: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon, Fridays 9-11am Ph 332 6192. Email:stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. Website:www.stmartins.org.nz. Please make sure Anna has any notices by 9am Thursday.
NO ALPINE PRESBYTERY newsletter this week.
ST JAMES’ MEN’S MUSTER: This group will meet in the St James Church Lounge TOMORROW at 7 pm. Alan Chapman will speak about his recent trip to Wellington and show a short power point presentation.
PLEASE NOTE: The City to Surf Fun Run is on next Sunday. This may impact on your travel plans to/from Church.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Thu 17th Marie; Sat 19th Rosalie S.