CALL TO WORSHIP (together):
In the beginning God created all things declaring them to be good.
When God created women and men they were given charge over all creation.
As God’s days of creation ceased, ours began.
The God given gifts are to be used to continue God’s creative work.
In worship we come to give thanks and share in this task.
HYMN: Morning Has Broken (Tune: Bunessan)
Morning has broken like the first morning,
blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning,
praise for them, springing fresh from the Word!
Sweet the rain’s new fall sunlit from heaven,
like the first dewfall on the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden,
sprung in completeness where his feet pass.
Mine is the sunlight; mine is the morning,
born of the one light Eden saw play!
Praise with elation, praise every morning,
God’s re-creation of the new day! ©Eleanor Farjeon (WOV91)
HYMN: He Came Singing Love
He came singing love and he lived singing love; he died, singing love. He arose in silence. For the love to go on we must make it our song: you and I be the singers.
He came singing faith…
He came singing hope…
He came singing peace… ©Colin Gibson (WOV636)
Acts 16: 9-15 Hilary Moore
Psalm 67 Barry Moore
MESSAGE: Subdue and Replenish
HYMN: Lead Us, Heavenly Father (Tune: Mannheim)
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us o’er the world’s tempestuous sea; guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us, for we have no help but thee;
yet possessing every blessing if our God our Father be.
Saviour, breathe forgiveness o’er us; all our weakness thou dost know; thou didst tread this earth before us, thou didst feel its keenest woe: lone and dreary, faint and weary, through the desert though didst go.
Spirit of our God, descending, fill our hearts with heavenly joy, love with every passion blending, pleasure that can never cloy:
thus provided, pardoned, guided, nothing can our peace destroy. ©J Edmeston (WOV492)
THE OFFERING (together):
We dedicate these gifts freely given and gratefully received
To the work of the congregation
Building honest caring relationships across all lines of difference
Promoting religious freedom, practising compassion and working for justice
May these gifts and the work of our hands and hearts
Give power to all we stand for as a community of faith
HYMN: In Heavenly Love Abiding
In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear;
and safe is such confiding, for nothing changes here:
the storm may roar without me, my heart may low be laid;
but God is round about me, and can I be dismayed?
Wherever he may guide me no want shall turn me back,
my shepherd is beside me and nothing can I lack:
his wisdom ever waketh, his sight is never dim,
he knows the way he taketh and I will walk with him.
Green pastures are before me, which yet I have not seen;
Bright skies will soon be o’er me where the dark clouds have been:
my hope I cannot measure, my path to life is free;
my Saviour has my treasure, and he will walk with me.
©Anna Laetitia Waring (WOV504)
BLESSING (together):
May God lead us in all our days
May Christ shield us in all our ways
May the Spirit bring us healing and peace
Please leave promptly, to allow the Methodist congregation
to prepare for worship.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Sun 1st Margaret; Sat 7th Lucy.
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea. Many thanks to David Beaumont for leading our worship today.
WORKING BEE 43 St Martins Rd, NEXT Saturday 7th May 9.30am – 12noon (weather permitting). Please bring your gardening tools to help tidy up the church grounds.
PENTECOST SUNDAY 15th May 9am. Liz Whitehead from St Albans Uniting will share with us about their Family Breakfast Church each Sunday at 8.30am. Do come and hear her. Lyndsey McKay.
FOOT CLINIC: TOMORROW 1-4pm. New helpers always very welcome. Contact Lyndsey 388 1264 for information.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 4th May: Meet 9.30am by bridge in Botanic Gardens. Coffee at Lux Espresso in COCA Gallery, Gloucester St. All welcome. Sonya 027 253 3397.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am-12 noon in the Lounge. $3.
POTLUCK LUNCH for St James’, Hoon Hay, Cashmere & St Martin’s on Sunday 22nd May 12 noon at Cashmere Presbyterian. An opportunity for everyone to mix and mingle and enjoy fellowship. Irene.
ALPINE PRESBYTERY newsletter is on the noticeboard in the Lounge.
PARISH OFFICE: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon, Fridays 9-11am Ph 332 6192. Email: stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz.Website:www.stmartins.org.nz.
Please make sure Anna has any notices by 9am Thursday.
COURT THEATRE “Educating Rita” Thursday 16th June 6.30pm. $45. Payment in NAMED envelope to Sue by NEXT SUNDAY 8th May please. We still need a few more people to come – invite your friends, family, neighbours.
ST JAMES’ MEN’S MUSTER: Monday 9th May St James’ Church Hall Lounge at 7:00 pm. Doug Roberts visited Belgium in 2010. “ANZAC on the Western Front” See photos inside the Arras Tunnels and craters of some of the largest mine explosions. All men welcome.
Roger Allen (gr.allen46@gmail.com).