WELCOME: Tena Koutou Katoa. Welcome.
We celebrate birth the wonder, the miracle of that tiny life asserting its selfhood.
We celebrate children who laugh out loud, who walk in the mud, who cry at the top of their lungs, who constantly ask questions, who are so busy living they don’t have time for hang-ups.
We celebrate parents who are always there for their children, who laugh and cry, who endure struggle and frustration; the responsibility that goes with being a parent.
You are not alone. God is with you.
HYMN: Christians are All Kinds of People
Christians are all kinds of people,
They’re average, they’re short, and they’re tall,
From all kinds of backgrounds, with all kinds of outlooks,
Our gracious God uses them all.
Christians are all kinds of people, not even especially good,
But God’s love is mighty, and that is what counts,
With mercy as wide as the sea; It reaches to you and to me.
Christians are all kinds of people.
They’re smilers, they’re grouchers, they’re clowns.
In all kinds of weather, wherever they gather,
You’ll find every kind of them round.
Christians are all kinds of people, And sometimes all kinds are in me.
God uses all kinds of people, the black, and the pale and the tan,
New Born and the aged, the fit and disabled,
They all have a part in the plan. God uses all kinds of people,
With problems, with hang-ups, with scars. ©Stan and Pauline Stewart.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Today we celebrate the baptism of Jaydan James Terris, son of Simone and Chris. Welcome to you, Simone and Chris and to other family members present today.
Preamble on the meaning of baptism…
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: Let us again affirm our faith in God –
We believe in God, the source of life who created human beings to be different and to get on with each other. We believe in Jesus Christ, who calls us to a life which is absurd by the standards of the world. We believe in the Spirit of God within and around us, and you and me. We believe the times when the church is the church when we are a community, a source of love, laughter and the sharer of tears. A people prepared to take risks, working together, that one day this world may be a place where people can live in justice, freedom and peace. This is our hope, this is our faith. That we dare to believe, always and in spite of everything, in God’s power to transform. (Source unknown)
HYMN: Celebrate Each Generation
Celebrate each generation, celebrate around the earth!
In this Church make dedication of the miracle of the earth.
Each newborn son and daughter is the Church’s loving claim,
Marked by touch of living water now to take the Christian name.
Be the Christ in those we christen: body, spirit, both must thrive,
Be the Christ in us who promise newborn faith to keep alive.
So another generation may discover truth and good,
Flower within the certain future, bud of hope within the wood.
©Shirley Murray
To the Parents: In bringing your child for baptism, do you declare your faith in God as your creator in the person of Jesus Christ and the spirit of God who works through us all in creating a world of love, peace and justice? WE DO.
Do you promise, as far as you are able to build your family life on the love and truth that Christ has shown us? WE DO.
To the Congregation: As members of this congregation you have a responsibility to love and nurture this family as part of your community. Will you accept the Terris family into this church community and make provision to support and nurture them?
We gladly accept this family into the fellowship and commit ourselves into providing a caring Christian community. With God’s help we will support and nurture the Terris family as we are able.
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
PRESENTATION of Baptismal Certificate
HYMN: Child of Blessing (Tune: Stuttgart)
Child of blessing, child of promise, baptized with the Spirit’s sign,
with this water God has sealed you unto love and grace divine.
Child of love, our love’s expression, love’s creation, loved indeed!
fresh from God, refresh our spirits, into joy and laughter lead.
Child of joy, our dearest treasure, God’s you are, from God you came. Back to God we humbly give you;live as one who bears Christ’s name.
Child of God, your loving Parent, learn to listen for God’s call, grow to laugh and sing and worship, trust and love God more than all. (©AA)
The children now leave us with Gillian Cree
BIBLE READINGS: Mark 10:13-16 Gilly Penwell
1 John 4:7-12 Alice Shanks
OFFERING (together): Gracious God we give the gift of money and food back to you. May they be used in your service both here and in the wider church community. Amen.
HYMN: Every Day I Will Offer You
Every day I will offer you, loving God my heart and mind
Every way I discover you, in the work your hand has signed;
Help me see I’m your image, and You have dreamed what I might be –
Every day – in your Spirit, I’ll find the love and energy!
Every day I will look to Christ and give thanks for wine and bread.
Through the pain and the emptiness where your world cries to be fed;
Help me see I can work for change, and wherever I might be.
Every day in your Spirit, I’ll find the love and energy!
Every day I will take your word, answer your compassion’s claim,
Celebrate every sign of hope, every deed done in your name;
Help me see you are always there,
and your light can shine through me,
Every day in your Spirit, I’ll find the love and energy! ©Shirley Murray (AA)
BENEDICTION: Go now into God’s world knowing that you are not alone, that God goes with you; Jesus Christ being your guide and the Spirit of God disturbing and surprising you along the way.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit go with you. Amen.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Sun 29th Margaret; Mon 30th Keith; Wed 1st Madg; Thu 2nd Rose; Fri 3rd Joan C (100!)
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Many thanks to Rev Lyndsey McKay for leading our worship today.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 1st June: Meet 9.30am in Hawford Road by the Opawa Shopping Centre carpark for a walk around Opawa-St Martins. Coffee at Opawa Bakery and Café. All welcome. Sonya 027 253 3397
MEN’S GROUP meets this Thursday 2nd June 6pm at Merchiston, 75 St Martins Rd for a shared meal. Lisa Milburn from Pillars will be our speaker. Please bring a grocery item for the giftbox for Pillars. Tony 332 0554.
CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES to Joan Croy who celebrates her 100th birthday this Friday.
Thank you so much to the St Martin’s Congregation who so willingly donated an amazing array of fruit, tinned goods, jams, grocery items recently. We have distributed all the perishable goods and they were so very much appreciated by everyone. We have stored all the non-perishable items in our emergency food cupboard. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and continued support.
NEW SUNDAY ROSTER available – please check to see if you have one.
COURT THEATRE tickets available from Sue today. Please collect yours.
ALPINE PRESBYTERY newsletter is on the noticeboard in the Lounge.
PARISH OFFICE: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon, Fridays 9-11am Ph 332 6192. Email: stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz.Website:www.stmartins.org.nz.
Please make sure Anna has any notices by 9am Thursday.
CALM & CAKE: Cashmere Presbyterian Friday 3rd June 9.30am. Gold coin donation for morning tea appreciated. Treat yourself to some peace and quiet.
QUIZ AT CASHMERE Saturday 18th June, Cashmere Presbyterian Church Centre Rata Lounge at 5pm for 5.30pm start. Pizza tea at 6.30pm followed by more quiz! $10 per person. Book a table of 6 for $55. Bring some cash for a Raffle ticket. Our Church would like to have 2 Teams – it should be a fun night. Irene Gray & Judith Mackay have tickets.