Sunday 25th September 10am at Beckenham Methodist


2017 FUNDRAISING CALENDARS still available. $20. An excellent Christmas gift and perfect for posting overseas. Please see Charlotte Houston or Judith Mackay.



  1. We are looking at options for placing an relocatable office on our church site at St Martins Road to provide a living presence with both church administrator and minister working from the site.  Tea/coffee facilities would be available for people to pop in.
  2. Church breakfast…. we will have a church breakfast in October.  We believe we need regular activities that will help us connect as a community of God’s people.
  3. Church Fair…. we hope to have a fair to clear out goods that are stored at the church site on Saturday 10th December.
  4. Final Service with Beckenham Methodist…our trial period of worship at the Mineral and Lapidary Club has worked well and we have booked the facility every Sunday from October 16th.  This means our final service with Beckenham Methodist will be on Sunday October 9th, and a presentation will be made at this service.  We will provide morning tea on that day.  We note the amazing generosity of our brothers and sisters in Christ at the Beckenham Parish.
  5. Insurance Assessment…. we have received advice from the Presbytery Earthquake Steering Committee that our insurance assessment to pay for earthquake damage and strengthening has been increased by $150,000.  This money will be available to help meet the cost of strengthening our church building.


FIRESIDE meets this Tuesday 27th September 7.30pm at Judith’s. Sue Saunders will be speaking about her Northern Territory trip. All women are very welcome. Please contact Margaret 366 8936 for more information.


WEDNESDAY WALKERS 28th September: Meet 9.30am at the Halswell Domain carpark for a walk around Halswell area. Coffee at the Old Vicarage. Hope to see you there – all welcome. Joan 338 8700


CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am-12noon. $3 per session at Beckenham Methodist. To find out more, speak to Lyndsey 388 1264. New faces always welcome.


BUILDING REPORT….The Building team has asked the architect to move ahead to the next stage of developing more detailed working drawings which can be more accurately costed.  This will involve obtaining detailed structural plans, a fire engineers report, and a detailed kitchen plan.  Once these plans are obtained a Quantity Surveyor will make an accurate budget estimate which will need to be approved by the congregation, the Presbytery, and the Church Property Trustees.   If it is agreed to proceed, a contract will then be signed with a construction company, and work will begin, hopefully early in the new year.                                                                PTO>>>


OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD shoeboxes now available from June Service. Have fun filling a box for a needy child. Must be returned by Sunday 16th October please.


CHURCH FINANCIAL WORKSHOP Monday 3 October, 12noon-3pm, Cashmere Presbyterian Church. This FREE workshop is aimed at updating church administrators, treasurers, and anyone in management of finances and buildings, on issues and possibilities in the new environment we are now in.  Some of the important issues covered are:

An overview of church financial reporting requirements under the new Charities reporting standards, including practical examples of financial and non-financial reports and disclosures.

Practical examples of churches integrating ministry and investment. This will explore churches that have successfully boosted outreach and cash flow by operating day-care centres, affordable housing and/or op shops.

Strategic planning: long term maintenance plans 101. Learn the best way to plan and budget for maintenance.

Christian Savings: options available for churches and Christian ministry for loans and deposits.

A small team from St Martin’s will be attending.  Speak to Joan Macdonald if you would like to join them.


WALTHAM COTTAGE: Adrienne Carmichael reports that our regular donations of food are much appreciated.  The cottage continues to do great work assisting people in the local community in many ways.  We note that Lyndsey McKay has been elected as chair of the Trust that is responsible for the oversight of this important mission work.  Note also that on Sunday October 30th we will celebrate this work with “Uncanny Sunday”.  You are invited to bring lots of cans of food!



Series of four seminars at Knox Centre, 28 Bealey Ave, 5.30 – 7pm each Thursday in October. Tea and coffee from 5pm. Organised by EcuAction and Inner-City Churches. All welcome.

6 October: Reverse Greed in Energy & Transport – Simon Kingham & Steve Muir

13 October: Reverse Greed in Banking & Finance – Sheena Dickson & Ekant Veer

20 October: Our Water – Reverse Greed – Rhys Taylor & Tim Davie

27 October: Our Food – Reverse Greed – Chris Horne & Chloe Waretini


PARISH OFFICE: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon, Fridays 9-11am Ph 332 6192.

Please make sure Anna has any notices by 9am Thursday.

INTERIM MINISTER: Rev Dugald Wilson 380 5024;


BIRTHDAYS  THIS WEEK: Wed 28th Hannah; Sat 1st Ken.