Sunday 19 February 2017
Coming Together as Part of God’s Family
Affirmation of Faith
We believe in God the creator
In Jesus Christ who lives spiritually among us
In the Holy Spirit present to guide us
We believe; God help our unbelief
We rejoice in every sign of God’s kingdom:
In the upholding of human dignity and community needs
In every expression of love, justice and reconciliation
In each act of self giving on behalf of others
In the abundance of God’s gifts entrusted to us
In responsibility to use earth’s resources with care and consideration, and fair and equable distribution
Glory to God on high; and peace on earth
We confess our sins, individually and collectively
Through any violation of human dignity we have made
We are distressed by our awareness of the exploitation of people,
by greed or indifference
Through the misuse of power in personal,
communal and international life
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy
We commit ourselves, individually and collectively,
to seek abundant life for all humanity
To struggle for peace, justice and freedom
To risk ourselves in the name of the faith hope and love
freely granted to us by God
Praying that God’s kingdom may come soon
Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven
From the Building Team….The detailed engineering design to strengthen the church building has been completed. This work has identified that the existing building has been very well built and detailed, but that additional bracing is required to be installed in the roof space and in the walls. Extra foundation support needs to be constructed at either end of the building.
The detailed architectural plan will be completed shortly and key features will be:
- An enlarged and renovated kitchen that will allow greater working space and include a steriliser.
- Four toilets to comply with regulations located in the existing ministers study.
- The church re-orientated to face the north wall to negate issues of glare and give a good projection area. Seating will be in individual chairs that can easily be moved.
In conjunction with this plan the newly renovated church office will open shortly in the separate relocatable building adjacent to the church.
Our architect has indicated that we should have a cost for the proposed project in the latter part of March, and as soon as this is confirmed we will call a congregational meeting to discuss the proposal and decide our course of action.
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning, Please stay for morning tea after the service. Thanks to David Beaumont for taking today’s service.
Name Tags… Session asks that everyone wears a name tag at worship please. If you need a new name tag please see Sonya.
Deadline for next ‘Messenger’ is THIS TUESDAY. Email anneke.howie@gmail.com
Wednesday Walkers 22nd Feb: Meet 9.30am at the bridge near Armagh St carpark for a wander through the Gardens. Coffee at Ilex Cafe. All welcome. Rosalie 021 239 5005.
Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am-12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. $3.Beverley 384 7814.
Please fill out an information form… We want to update our rolls and contact details.
Please fill in a single page information form available at worship or from your elder if you are already, or would like to be part of the St Martin’s congregation.
Information forms can be returned to The Minister, Irene Gray (Session Clerk), or to the church office (shortly to be relocated to 43 St Martins Rd).
World Day of Prayer Service 10am Friday 3rd March Linwood Baptist Church, 570 Worcester St. All welcome.
Lenten Conversations…space still left on Tuesday morningsDuring Lent there is an opportunity to gather with others to grow in our connection with God and one another. We will gather every second week for 8 weeks (4 sessions of approx. 90 mins) for tea/coffee and a time to listen and converse with a focus theme. Focus themes are God, Compassion, Spiritual Practices, the Cross. High levels of Bible knowledge are not expected, and all sorts will be accepted and respected! If you want to get to know others at church and God better, log in to one of the groups (Monday evenings from Feb 27th, Tuesday mornings from Feb 28th, Wednesday afternoons from Mar 1st) by signing the sheet on the back table or by sending Dugald a message.For those joining a group please pick up a conversation starter booklet from Dugald today.
Prayer Service for Christchurch: Wednesday 22nd February at 6pm, Transitional Cathedral. Everyone is welcome.