Sunday 30th July 2017 – You are There
Session Report July
- Roll…Updating of the Members Roll is almost complete. We are aware this is an administrative matter that is irksome to some, but any organisation has to keep some sort of list of members.
- Name….Session had an interesting discussion about our name ‘St Martins Presbyterian Church’. While the church building is located in the St Martins suburb, most people attending come from wider Christchurch. We are in fact a Presbyterian presence in South Christchurch. We came to no conclusions other than keeping the name St Martins and possibly looking for a name that describes what we are about to link with it. Suggestions are welcome!
- Employment matters…. We have adopted a job description for Anna in the office and have prepared an updated contract. The Session will keep accurate account of leave for both our administrator and our minister.
- Health and Safety… We are preparing a form for all groups to keep record of any health and safety issues that may arise.
- Website…. Our website is one of our most important tools to advertise our presence in the community. (The most powerful is each one of us!) We are going to revamp our website to focus more on telling users simply who we are and what we do. We will keep information like notices on the site but they will not be on the homepage. Deborah has offered to train people to access the site to keep it up to date and relevant.
- First Two Sundays in October…. The Mineral and Lapidary Club will not be available to meet in. We are looking for alternative venues including a local café, or a visit to a congregation in the country.
- Gift of Piano… The Session want to acknowledge the generous gift of the electric piano given by Ken Austin in memory of his mother Joyce, a long time Session member.
Building Team Report
We have finally received detailed architectural drawings of the repair of the church. Some of the key points in the design that we have requested of the architect are:
- The orientation for worship will be towards the south wall. The middle wall panel with small coloured windows will be shifted to the east giving a plain wall behind the communion table to project images from the data projector.
- We will introduce a cross on the street facing east wall constructed from the small glass windows to match those on the south wall. This will be back lit to shine at night.
- The entry doors to the foyer will be fully glazed to allow people to see into the building. We will also increase the size of windows to allow more light and sun into the foyer. The foyer will be carpeted with carpet tiles.
- Current lights in the church will be retained but will be raised slightly to create less of a factory feel.
- A good sound system will be installed.
- To enable better hospitality the kitchen will be enlarged and will include a steriliser.
- To meet council requirements four toilets will be installed in what was the office.
Going forward, the architect is now going to apply for a consent waiver, more detailed documentation regarding the contract with the building firm will be prepared, and a more detailed costing ascertained. We will then hopefully present the Church Property Trustees with a contract to be signed and possibly work could begin in mid-September.
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Thanks to the Pathways Study Group for leading today’s worship. Please stay for morning tea after the service.
Building Update: Following worship today the Building team will give a brief update on the progress with the church strengthening and renovation.
Next week…we will be celebrating Peace Sunday. You might like to ponder…. we are peace lovers, but how can we be peace makers?
ANNUAL REPORTS are now due. If you are the Convenor of a Parish committee or group, please submit your report to the Parish Office by Friday 18th August at the very latest. Thank You.
Irene Gray, Session Clerk.
Wednesday Walkers 2nd August: Meet 9.45am at back gate of Riccarton House off Ngahere St as there are road works at front gate. We won’t be walking through the bush but around nearby streets. Coffee at Riccarton House. All are welcome. Rosalie 332 5489.
Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am-12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. $3 per session. Bring along your own craft project, or learn a new skill! Contact Beverley 384 7814 for further details.
Men’s Group meets this Thursday 3rd August 5.45pm at Merchiston, 75 St Martins Rd for a shared tea and to hear Tony Blackler speak about his recent European adventure. All men are very welcome. Please contact Tony 332 0554 for more information.
People Matter Seminar/Forum
“Need not Greed 2017” Thursday 5.30 – 7.30pm at Knox Centre, Bealey Ave
(doors open from 5pm for drinks/snacks)
August 3rd A Living Income for All
Go to ecuactioncanterbury@gmail.com for more information
There will be a special service conducted by the Moderator of the Alpine Presbytery at the Mineral and Lapidary Club Hall to induct the Rev Dugald Wilson as minister at St Martins on Sunday August 13th at 3.00pm, with an afternoon tea to follow.
Opening of the Bryndwr building at The Village Church, 365a Ilam Rd
Presbytery and other interested people are warmly invited to attend the official service marking the opening of the new Bryndwr building on the site of the former St Stephen’s Church next Sunday 6th August at 3pm. The Very Rev Ray Coster will be preaching.
THANKS to the blokes for a delicious breakfast this morning!