Sunday 20th August 2017



Sunday 20th August 2017

Finding ways to reduce inequality isn’t easy.  You have to look at policies of taxation through which we redistribute wealth.  Do taxation rates favour the wealthy?  Is it right that wealth that’s put into property isn’t usually taxed and is this a good use of wealth?  What is an efficient way of redistributing wealth and ensuring everyone has a decent income to ensure a quality of life.  How do you engender a sense of responsibility among those with wealth to use it for the good of all?  Do we err on grace and generosity in support for those at the bottom or do we wind back any offer of help to the bare minimum.  How do we put a human face on the situations of some families in our local community say the ability to heat your home well or take the kids on holiday is not a luxury but is a part of being human?



Report from Managers

New building… we are thrilled to hear the projected start date for work is late September.  We have requested the Session to apply for the capital sum ($38,000) held in the St David’s Trust Fund for building the strengthening work at St Martins.

Finances….Over the last two months of the financial year we had income of approx. $21,606 and expenditure of $23,876.  This included manse repairs of $1,400 and the purchase of a new photocopier of $1,400.  We also made a donation to Beckenham Methodist Church of $500 to cover costs of housing the Foot Clinic and the craft group.

Financial performance for year ending June 2017…. The total income for the year was $180,739 with expenditure of $147,269.  Thus we had a healthy surplus of $33,472.  Of note is $52,825 expended on matters related to the rebuild of the church for which we were fully reimbursed from our insurance allocation.  We also only employed our minister half time.

Projected Budget for the next year…. With a major building project looming this budget is very significantly higher than last year with projected expenditure of $1,016,808.  Joan has however produced a simplified budget with all rebuild matters removed.  This shows an operating deficit for the year of $13,628.  The projected deficit occurs largely because we are now employing a minister on 2/3rds time.



A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea after the service.

 Articles required now for the next ‘Messenger’.Please email any contributions to The deadline is Friday 25th August. Thank You.

Fireside Women’s Group meets this Tuesday 22nd August 7.30pm at Joan’s 2 Pentonville Close. All women are very welcome. Please contact Joan 338 8700 for more details.

 Wednesday Walkers 23rd August: Meet 9.45am in McMahon Drive off Aidanfield Drive (horticultural end) for a walk around the area. Coffee at the Old Vicarage. All are welcome are join us – if you aren’t able to walk, come along for coffee! Judith 332 1577. Didn’t the walking group have an interesting explore around the CBD last Wednesday!

Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am-12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. $3 per session. Bring along your own craft project, or learn a new skill! Contact Beverley 384 7814 for further details.

An Invitation: You are invited to Te Whare Roopu o Oterepo Waltham Community Cottage’s Annual General Meeting TOMORROW at 5.30pm.

Next Parish Breakfast: Sunday 3rd September hosted by Fireside ladies.

WANTED: Photos of parish groups and events. If anyone has photos of what’s happening around the parish please email them to the Office.

CRAFT CRAWL: The Crafty Crafters invite anyone interested to join them on a Craft Crawl on Thursday 19th October to Darfield and Methven. There are 41 seats to fill on the bus. Departure time to be confirmed. Cost $20. For further information, please contact Beverley Hudson  384 7814.

 Chicken Manure for Sale 12kg bag for $6 or 4 bags for $20 Saturdays 26 Aug & 2 Sept Colombo St outside Cashmere Club. Delivery is available for a fee. Contact Graham Foulds 355 6348 for details. A Community Project of Christchurch South Rotary.

 Thank you to all the blokes who helped clean out the church and shift all the chairs, tables, pianos, organs, and other items into the container.  We trust backs are still OK!  Well done fellows.