Sunday 22 July 2018

While our Church Building is Repaired we are meeting each Sunday at The Mineral & Lapidary Club 110 Waltham Rd (next to Waltham School) at 10am.

We would love to have the opportunity to welcome you.

Sunday 22nd July 2018

Parish Midwinter Lunch TODAY 12 noon at the Cashmere Club – $24.50 per head. For those who signed up to attend, please remember to pay on arrival at the venue.

Wednesday Walkers 25th July: Meet at 9.30am in the Barnett Park Carpark just past the shops on the way to Sumner – on your right, for a walk around Redcliffs. Coffee at The Spur Café in the shopping area. All welcome. Judith Mackay 332 1577.

Reminder: Fireside Women’s Group meets this month on Tuesday 31st July – details next week!

 Crafty Crafters meets every Thursday 10am – 12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. New faces always welcome. See Lyndsey McKay for more information.

 Waltham Cottage Foodbank:  Please consider adding an extra item or two to your weekly groceries to help fill the Cottage’s larder. Not sure what to buy? Cereals, tinned fruit & fish, pasta, soups and personal hygiene products are always welcome.

Annual Reports: Yes, it’s that time of year again. Please email reports to the Parish Office ( by Wednesday 22nd August at the latest. Recent photos of your group and/or activities would also be appreciated.

The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Sunday 23rd September.


Family Quiz Night at St Anne’s Hall on Sunday 26th August 5pm.  $10 adults, $2 kids.

We need to enter at least one team (4-6 people) from St Martins – invite friends, family and neighbours too. BYO drinks and nibbles. Juice and snacks, as well as raffle tickets for sale – bring cash.

This is a fundraiser for Opawa-St Martins Anglican Parish.  Tickets available from Anna at the Office 332 6192. 


The Politics of Compassion: in an age of ruthless power
Public Lecture: Prof. Kevin Clements, Chair and Foundation Director The National Centres for Peace and Con?ict Studies, University of Otago. Hosted by Durham St Methodist Church.
Friday 10th August, 7pm, Knox Centre, Bealey Avenue (free light refreshments available form 6.30pm).

Notes from Session

Irene Malcolm… we noted the recent death of Irene a long time member of the Session and recalled memories of her life.

Mission Discernment Team Reported…  In our discernment we currently believe God is calling us to focus on engaging with the spiritual searching of those in the latter part of life.  We believe we are called to address a key issue of loneliness, especially amongst the very elderly.  We are also called to care for creation and in particular to work to restore the life of the Heathcote river. Fourthly we believe we are called to initiate a new ministry amongst younger people.

Peter Burley… We have engaged Peter with the assistance of the Alpine Presbytery Mission fund to conduct a survey of our community

  • To outline the demographics / sociographics for the community around the church
  • To determine the need for opportunity for hobbies, crafts, sport, recreation, community, social, health, education, spiritual and leisure pursuits. 
  • Recommend how the St Martins church building could be utilised activities above.
  • Develop a plan for meeting those needs.

Peter has begun visiting other groups in our community.  Some of the ideas emerging are: Market (One near by needs to move), exercise/active focus  , hobbies focus , education courses, indoor bowls, pre-school.  Peter will engage with the congregation on Sunday 5th August.

Office Administrator…. A review of Anna’s position in the office has been conducted.  Anna is thanked for her work and the friendly engagement she offers.

St Martins South Elder Care (Homeshare)  We applied to Manchester Unity for funding as Presbyterian Support have withdrawn their support.  This application for funds (approx. $8,000) has been successful.  The volunteer team has a good group of clients presently but are advertising with local doctors and other places.    The changeover has gone smoothly thanks to excellent work by the volunteer team.

Your Sisters Orphanage…Barb and Rob are currently in Tanzania to visit and undertake work at the orphanage.   They will offer feedback at the service on 19th August.

Insurance – We will continue to seek Full Replacement cover for our buildings, but we seek only Indemnity cover in the event of Natural Disaster.

Communion – Requested that we trial an alternative pattern of serving communion that allowed quiet space immediately after receiving the elements, possibly by inviting a group to receive communion in a circle.