While our Church Building is Repaired we are meeting each Sunday at The Mineral & Lapidary Club 110 Waltham Rd (next to Waltham School) at 10am.
We would love to have the opportunity to welcome you.
Sunday 26th August 2018
NOTICES: A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please join us for morning tea. Many thanks to Alan Webster for leading today’s service.
Next of kin…It would be helpful if people put the name of their next of kin and contact telephone number on the back of their nametag. This allows us to contact a family member should anything happen during a worship service. Please also include the names of any significant medications.
FIRESIDE Group has been invited to Joan’s 2 Pentonville Close this Tuesday 28th August 7.30pm to celebrate her birthday! All women are very welcome. See Margaret Shanks for more information.
Wednesday Walkers 29th August: Meet 9.30am in Neville St near Sumner St for a walk around West Spreydon. Morning tea at Hodders Café! All welcome. Sonya 027 255 3397.
Crafty Crafters meets every Thursday 10am – 12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. $3 per session. New faces are always welcome. Lyndsey 388 1264.
Parish Breakfast: Sunday 16th September 8.45am hosted by the Walking Group. Details to follow.
Waltham Community Cottage Te Whare Roopu o Oterepo AGM TOMORROW 5.30pm at the Cottage, 201 Hastings St East. All welcome.
Aprons from Your Sisters available for sale today $22. See Barb Meier.
The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Sunday 23rd September.
CHICKEN MANURE – Christchurch South Rotary Club will be selling bags of chicken manure from Saturday 25th August, $6 per bag or 4 for $20, at Thorrington School. Deliveries are available for orders of four or more bags. See Tony – 332 0554 for more details.
Organ Recital by Harry Meehan 2.30pm TODAY at St Andrew’s at Rangi Ruru, $5 entry.
We need your help at the General Assembly of the PCANZ in the first week of October 2018. GA 2018 is being hosted by the churches of Alpine Presbytery and their members. If you are in a parish in the South Island north of the Waitaki River, we invite you to assist us in hosting Assembly this year. There are plenty of ways to help, whether you can give a whole day or just a few hours. Learn more about how you can help: http://ga2018.nz/volunteers/
Family Quiz Night at St Anne’s Hall (7 Wilsons Rd) TONIGHT 5pm. BYO drinks and nibbles or bring some cash to purchase soup & cheese rolls. $10 adults, $2 children