Sunday 25th November 2018

While our Church Building is Repaired we are meeting each Sunday at The Mineral & Lapidary Club 110 Waltham Rd (next to Waltham School) at 10am.

We would love to have the opportunity to welcome you.


Sunday 25th November 2018

Session Report: Session recorded the passing of Daphne Cynthia Lloyd. Daphne and Bill had been married for 66 years and up until they both moved in to Brookhaven, had been regular members at St Martins. Latterly Daphne had resided at Ngaio Marsh. Both had a long association with Boys’ Brigade. At Daphne’s request a short and simple service was held at the Linwood Crematorium and was conducted by Daphne’s nephew.

Should members of the congregation be aware of any deaths of church members and/or extended family, please would they let the Session Clerk know asap.

With fewer folk having access to newspapers these days, and whilst it is possible to access information via the internet, sometimes this is a slower route than a phone call to Irene Gray 332 7306 or email –

Relationship with Risingholme….we will sign a simple Memorandum of Understanding to work together to utilize the church facilities.  We plan to take small steps to begin with.

Menzshed at St Martins… after some encouraging conversations with representatives from Menzshed NZ and the City Council we are slowly proceeding with this project.  We plan to call a public meeting in early February.

Elder Care and Foot Clinic are operating very well.  The Foot Clinic and Crafty Crafters will shift back to 43 St Martins Road in the New Year.

Mission Plan…. From the work of the Mission Discernment group and work by Peter Burley we have adopted a Mission Plan which sets out 8 focus areas that we will work on:

Build relationships and enhance life in the South Christchurch Community through activating the church complex as a Community Centre.

Initiate a regular worship and hospitality event for seniors (80+) to connect with God and build bonds of community with each other.

In all our activities we will increase our awareness of a God dimension.

Initiate a regular “Time to be Still” that focuses on spiritual practices of quietness and listening to the inner voice of God.

Initiate a “Caring for Creation” action group to study, discern, and promote sustainable living practices.

Enhance the ability of members to talk openly and honestly about faith and being a disciple of Jesus.

Initiate community singing activities with a spiritual edge.

Employ a leader to initiate a new church seedling that focuses on young families.

NOTICES:  A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please join us for morning tea after the service.

Wednesday Walkers 28th November Meet 9.30am for a cruise and walk in Lyttelton.  Take the No 28 bus from Garlands Road at 9.20am, to catch the 9.50 Ferry to Diamond Harbour for a return trip, followed by coffee at Anneke’s home. People who prefer to drive should be at the ferry at 9.50.  Don’t forget your gold-card or Metro card for the bus and/or ferry. All welcome.  Anneke 021 077 4065.

South Elder Care Vacancy – we are looking for a couple of men to work with our increasing number of male clients, alongside David Hodder on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays. We would like someone who enjoys the company of men, prepared to take part in active games – table tennis, darts, quoits, walking etc… We resume on 15th January 2019. Please talk to Lyndsey McKay 388 1264 for more details.

Ethical Christmas Market Saturday 1st December 4-8pm at South West Baptist Church, 244 Lyttelton St, Spreydon.

St Albans Community Choir concert “Carol our Christmas – Unusual carols from many lands”. TODAY 5pm at St Paul’s Parish Church, 1 Harewood Road. Admission by donation to a local charity.

Christmas Gifts for Waltham Cottage.    These gifts for men, women, teenagers and children can be brought to Church on 2nd and 9th December.    Toiletries, clothing, toys, books, biscuits, sweets etc.  All the things you would like to receive.

“Deck the Halls – a celebration of the festive season” with violinist Fiona Pears, and the Cathedral Choristers.  Saturday 15th December, 7pm. Transitional Cathedral. Tickets available from Eventfinda.

 50s Up Brass 25th Anniversary Christmas Concert Wednesday 28th November, 11am-12noon at the Woolston Club, Hargood Street. Entrance $5 or gold coin. Contact Bob 385 1926 for more details..

South Brighton Voices Concert  ‘Gifts of Song’ will be held on Sunday 9th December, 3pm at the Linwood Ave Baptist Church, cnr Linwood Ave/Worcester St. Refreshments will be served. Tickets $15 adults $2 children available  from Lyndsey.