Sunday 3 March 2019


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for a cuppa. Many thanks to Rev Nancy-Jean Whitehead for leading today’s service.

Sue has jams, chutneys & relishes for sale today and next Sunday (most $4).

From Rev Canon Ben Truman: You are warmly invited to join us as we observe Ash Wednesday 6th March, 10am at St Mark’s Lounge, 101 Opawa Rd or 7.30pm at St Anne’s Anglican Church, 7 Wilsons Rd. All are welcome.

Dugald is on leave until 12th March. If you have need of a minister, please contact Lyndsey McKay 388 1264. Next Sunday’s worship will be led by Rev Hugh Perry.

Wednesday Walkers: 6th March Meet 9.30am on cnr Ferniehurst St & Ashgrove Tce. Coffee at Gerard’s 339 6242. All welcome. Sonya 0272533397.

PARISH BREAKFAST Sunday 17th March 8.45am, brought to you by Session. Wear green for St Patrick’s Day! Koha appreciated.

Building Access: Anyone needing access to the church will need to obtain the keypad number from the office, and sign the confidentiality statement.  This enables us to keep an accurate list of those who know the number. Please return all old keys to the Office.

The Urgent Pharmacy in Bealey Ave has now closed. For a pharmacy that’s open weekends and public holidays, go to Unichem or Life in the malls.

Crafty Crafters’ Bus Trip to Geraldine 21st  March: There are 5 more seats available. Please pay $30to Lyndsey as soon as possible. We will leave from the church at 9am. Lyndsey McKay 388 1264.

From recent Board of Managers’ meeting:

*Members felt that the church foyer was a good size for the meeting and after opening the windows, cool air circulated.

*A contractual cleaner is required and, in the meantime, Sue will clean once a week to assess time needed and the job description.

*Fireside will set up the kitchen at this month’s meeting.

*New seats have arrived but without arms to save costs. Cyril is sanding and cleaning some of the older chairs.

*Bike stands are being built.

*The old concrete paths need to be broken up and it was agreedthatthe concrete work would be undertaken by church members.

*All rental properties must meet new insulation standards by 1 July 2019 so we must obtain quotes for the manse to bring it up to standard.

*New advertising signage was agreed for the front of the church using the current triangular framework.

*Health and Safety and usage signs are to be erected to ensure users are safe and leave the premises tidy.

East Side Multicultural Games Avebury House Lawn March 23rd 1-3pm:

Crossway Community Church, North Avon Baptist and Delta Community Support trust are working together to present this community event.

The games range from relaxing yet stimulating board games such as Mahjong where you can sit, chat and learn to the more physically challenging Kana Mutti. Not only are there fun games for families but there are also games suitable for a wider range of ages. There will be all of this and more with a taste of ethnic food.

With a vibrant multicultural community we want to connect different ethnicities together to bring fun games for the whole community. Nationalities involved in running the East Side Multicultural Games are Sri Lankan, Filipino, Korean, Dutch, Tongan, the Shetlands, and Taiwan with more ethnicities to come.

“For God so loved the world” 

Creation in Worship: Forum, worship and dinner; Sharing worship resources, music and song, prayer and poetry. 

Monday 4th  March, 6.30pm, at The Village Church in Bryndwr, 365A Ilam Road, Christchurch
 A forum on enriching our worship with our concern for our world—a practical and inspiring time sharing in prayer, music, poetry that you can take to your own churches to help people engage creatively with the environment & faith. Heaps of free resources! “Leading God’s people to God’s heart for the whole world”

An event of A Rocha Christchurch. All welcome

Please bring a couple of songs or prayers or poems to share. Bring food to share for pot-luck meal and a koha ($5-ish).

No need to register. For more info contact: Silvia Purdie: 027 242 1113, or email:

Building Update: We are very nearly there. As of Friday, the tiler was finishing work in the kitchen. Thanks to the Fireside ladies for sorting the kitchen – and checking the oven works! The piano tuner is coming on Thursday. There are still some outside jobs to be done.