Sunday 16 June 2019

Sunday 16th June 2019

The Trinity

    Christianity adopted this complicated idea of God to attempt to understand the deep mystery of God in the context of the events and teaching of the Bible.   As the early Christians reflected on their experience of God they found light in the idea of the Trinity expressed as –

God the Father: revealed by the Old Testament to be Creator, Lord, Father and Judge.

God the Son: who had lived on earth amongst human beings revealing God in human life.

God the Holy Spirit: who spoke into their lives and filled them with new life and power. 

    The doctrine of the Trinity is not clearly and overtly expressed in scripture.  Jesus refers to the Father and to the Holy Spirit but Paul does not express a strong central theme of Trinity.  However it became central doctrine of the church.  The greatest row in the church centered on the Trinity.  In 1054 the great schism occurred between what was then the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern orthodox churches over a Latin word filoque which had been inserted by the Catholic Church into the Nicene Creed.  Up until that time the creed stated that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father alone, and the Roman Catholic Church inserted the word filoque which means and from the Son.  This row has never been resolved!

    In recent times Trinitarian language has been criticized because it is sexist.  Other formulations of the Trinity have been expressed such as God: Creator, Redeemer, and Spirit, or God: Source, Christ, Friend, or God: Womb, Child, Mother.   However none of these metaphors have gained popular usage.  You might like to think of Trinitarian metaphors that explain your experience of God…..


A very warm welcome to you all this morning. After the service please come through to the Lounge for a cuppa and a time to talk.  

Foot Clinic TOMORROW 1-4pm in the Lounge.

Board of Managers meeting Wednesday 19th June 7.30pm in the foyer.

Wednesday Walkers 19th June: Meet Sue at the Bus Exchange at 9.30am (note time) for a town walk. Coffee at The Pantry at Ara. All welcome. Sonya 027 2533397.

Crafty Crafters: Meets on Thursdays in the Church lounge 10am-12noon. New faces are always welcome. $3 per session. Contact Lyndsey 388 1264 for more information.

Latest Preserves for Sale from Sue: Feijoas in rose wine $5; Walnuts $5; Quince Chutney $4; Quince Jelly $4. IOUs welcome!

Next Movie Night is Saturday July 6th  (when we’ll show the adult movie “Green Book”), & then August 4th 5.45pm at church – bring your takeaway tea (eg fish and chips) drinks provided. Movie starts at 6.15pm and finishes at 8pm.

Help fill the Pantry at Waltham Cottage: With the colder weather and the need for warm nourishing food, Adrienne suggests the following: Baked beans, breakfast cereal, tinned stews, tinned tuna, soups, jams, biscuits, pasta and noodles along with chickpeas and tinned tomatoes.

Everything you contribute is so gratefully received. Please keep it coming. Many thanks. Irene Gray, Session Clerk.

Court Theatre trip Thursday 19th September 6.30pm to see “The Pink Hammer”, a Kiwi comedy. Money in a NAMED envelope to Sue Saunders please on or before Sunday 4th August. Cost will be $49 & $37 for Community Services Card holders (please include a copy of each person’s card in in the envelope with the money). Names onto the clipboard in the foyer please.

MenzShed at St Martins: meets again on Monday July 1st at 7.15pm to talk further.

South Brighton Voices present “From Bach to Boogie” NEXT Sunday 23 June 2pm HERE. Tickets $15 available from Lyndsey McKay. Come along and support the first concert in the church!

Christian Meditation

      a new group to promote good health and well being has started….

   Jesus often withdrew to places of stillness and solitude to re-orientate his life in God.  Early Christians practiced meditation.  Today this practice has often been ignored, yet passages like  “be still and know that I am God” attract us.  Spiritual teacher of our time Fr Thomas Keating said “silence is God’s language”.  A new group is starting with the aim of learning and practicing the art of Christian Meditation.  

 Christian Meditation is based on: stillness, silence and simplicity. The aim is to move closer to spiritual union with God by sitting quietly. To aid us in being still we are invited to repeat in silence the word “Maranatha” which means “come Lord”.  We come not asking for anything, or seeking to tell God anything, just wanting to be open to God. We are leaving busyness and self-consciousness aside to let God transform us deep to deep. Those who persevere will inevitably see the results in their lives in “the fruits of the spirit” (Galatians 5): love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.   Christian meditation will promote good health and well being.

 Meditation does need to be regular, and it does require discipline.

The new group is meeting here at St Martins Presbyterian Church, 43 St Martins Road, on Tuesday evenings at 7pm.  If you are interested come and see.  The group is not for experts, but for people interested in exploring a form of prayer that is much needed in our time.  Our aim is to meet weekly for those who can make it, but to also encourage a daily personal practice of mediation.

   For more information see &/or

An Invitation from Cashmere Presbyterian to a Midwinter Feast … a ‘feast’ of music and a scrumptious Christmas dinner on Saturday 22nd  June. Cost $25 per person.

Kids, friends and families most welcome to our fundraiser!

5.00pm pre-dinner drinks,

5.30pm carols in the church

6.30pm dinner, finishing about 8pm

For tickets please email the church office: or ph 332 7129

“Christmas in New Zealand is such a summery busy thing, crowded with school break-ups and shopping and end-of-year rushing. We want to share with you a quieter, older moment, of carols by candlelight on a chilly night, warm drinks and relaxed fellowship. So many of our carols sing of winter cold, and light in the darkness. Come and experience a taste of tradition, jingle bells in the snow, and an echo of the original silent night.”