A very warm welcome to you all this morning. After the service please come through to the Lounge for a cuppa and a time to chat. Many thanks to Rev Hugh Perry for leading our worship today.
Dugald is
on leave this week. He will be back to lead worship next Sunday.
Practice the St Martins Plastic Pledge for July –
The St Martins Plastics Pledge:
- I will responsibly recycle all I can, whenever I can.
- I will regularly use multi-use bags when I go shopping.
- I will try to reduce the use plastic bags and plastic trays used to package food by using reusable containers.
- I will use a re-usable mug and refuse plastic straws when I go to cafes, etc
- I will try to buy unwrapped ‘loose’ locally grown vegetables/fruit whenever practical, rather than those wrapped in plastic or plastic nets.
- I will tell others about my commitment to reduce our reliance on single-use plastics.
PLEASE REMEMBER to turn lights/heaters off when you leave the building!!
Rev Alan Webster is progressing well after his stroke.
He is good physically but sometimes finds difficulty accessing the right
word quickly. Please keep him in your prayers
Annual Reports are now due. Please e-mail them to Anna by Friday 16th August. Thank You.
Wednesday Walkers 31st July: Meet 9.45am at the Church, where we will also have morning tea. Sonya 0272533397.
Crafty Crafters: Meets on Thursdays in the Church lounge 10am-12noon. $3 per session. Contact Lyndsey 388 1264 for more information.
Movie Night….our next movie on Saturday 3rd August will be “I Daniel Blake”. Daniel has worked as a joiner most of his life in Newcastle, England. Now for the first time in his life he needs help from the State. He crosses paths with Katie and her two young children who are also struggling to survive. Come along for BYO takeaway tea at 5.45pm, with movie screening at 6.15pm.
Foot Clinic TOMORROW 1-4pm in the Lounge. Contact Lyndsey 388 1264 for details.
Fireside: Women are very welcome to join us at any meeting whether they come just occasionally or regularly. Fireside is “the women’s group” of our church. As well as having time for enjoying each others’ company we often have a speaker. This month Ken Shields will talk about his work as a JP registrar. We plan to meet on Tuesday 30th July in the Church Lounge at 7.45pm. Please note this changed time. Enquiries: ph Margaret 366 8936.
Men’s Group…Thursday 1st August at 6.00pm in the Parish Lounge beginning with a shared tea.
Warren Pettigrew will be talking about his time at Dynamic Controls and what his job was there designing controls for power wheelchairs and how they can transform the lives of the handicapped.
He will also talk and demonstrate eBikes and tell you about his adventure ride over the Old Ghost Road. Bring a friend. Enquiries to Tony Blackler 332 0554.
Working Bee Saturday August 10th at 9am. Tasks will include: preparing section for grass seed (shifting soil, raking), window cleaning, shifting boxes, clearing out shed one.
meets next on Monday 12th August at 6pm
in the Lounge.
Session Report for July
With the final payment being completed for the strengthening work on the church letters of thanks and appreciation are being sent to the Architect and Building Company.
Dugald has received his Certificate of Good Standing for the next three years.
Dugald has indicated he will be retiring as from February 23rd 2020, and Presbytery has formed a Ministry Settlement Board (MSB), chaired by Rev Darryl Tempero. Session will appoint two people to this and the congregation will vote to appoint a further four.
Session has decided not to instigate a special quarterly afternoon communion service for older members.
The decision by Managers to not insure the church buildings for natural disaster (eg earthquake and flood) was endorsed. The costs of this are high and the excess would be approx. $140,000. We will however insure to cover costs of demolition in the event of a large earthquake.
The AGM of the congregation will be held on Sunday 15th September after worship.
Session has asked for ‘an event’ to look at and discuss the End of Life Choice Bill currently being processed by our Parliament. A 20 page report prepared by the Doctrine Committee that was presented to the 2018 General Assembly is available in the foyer (more available on request).
We noted the call of
the General Assembly 2018 to install bike racks.
Decking…Thank you to Cyril and others. Our deck outside the Lounge looks great!
Meditation Group…About ten people are meeting each week to spend time in stillness
(20 mins) with a small message of teaching. Tuesdays 7.00-7.45pm in the church
this week. New
members are always welcome or speak with Jeannette & David, Keith, Janet, or Helen.
Next Sunday at 7pm in the Knox Church Lounge, Bealey Ave, Hugh Wilson
will be speaking about his work in restoring native vegetation at Hinewai
Reserve on Banks Peninsula. We hope to screen the short
film “Fools and Dreamers” about Hugh and his work. All welcome.
Bring your own drinks and nibbles; tea and coffee
provided. Koha to support the work at Hinewai welcomed.
Court Theatre trip Thursday 19th September 6.30pm to see “The Pink Hammer”, a Kiwi comedy. Money in a NAMED envelope to Sue Saunders please on or before Sunday 4th August. Cost will be $49 & $37 for Community Services Card holders (please include a copy of each person’s card in in the envelope with the money). Names onto the clipboard in the foyer please.