A very warm welcome to you all this morning. After the service please come through to the Lounge for a cuppa and a time to chat.
Annual Reports are due by Friday 16th August. Thank You. The AGM is scheduled for 15th September.
If anyone has photos of parish events taken over the last year, we would love to include those too! Please email them to the Office.
Wednesday Walkers 14th August: Meet 9.30am in the Victoria Park playground carpark to walk Harry Ell track. Coffee at the Sign of the Takahe (or the Cup if that doesn’t work out). Rosalie 0212395005
Crafty Crafters: Meets on Thursdays in the Church
lounge 10am-12noon. $3 per session. Contact Lyndsey 388 1264 for more information.
Articles are now required for the next ‘Messenger’. Please e-mail any contributions to before Friday 23rd August.
MenzShed meets tomorrow Monday 12th August 6pm in the Lounge for a shared tea and update on progress.
Thank you to everyone who helped at yesterday’s Working Bee.
Meditation Group…About ten people are meeting each week to spend time in stillness (20 mins) with a small message of teaching. Tuesdays 7.00-7.45pm in the Lounge. New members are always welcome or speak with Jeannette & David, Keith, Janet, or Helen.
Next week…an update on the Your Sisters Project, Tanzania.
Manchester Unity Lodge presented the Elder Care group with a large donation to continue this work. We are very grateful.
New Zealand Community for Christian Meditation Community Day…
Saturday 17th August 10am-3pm at the Chapel Street Community Centre, Papanui. Dr Anne Shave will share on Mid-life Spirituality and Silence.
Rosters: Church Cleaning – volunteers for September through to December required please. Pop your name on the clipboard in the foyer if you can help.
Lawn Mowing: Now that we are back on site, and with spring around the corner, we also require volunteers to mow the church lawns from the beginning of September. If you’re interested, please speak to Barry Moore 338 4622, or leave a message at the Office.
Saturday Night Movie…
There are many different stories we tell ourselves about our singing: we can’t read music, we sing off-key, we are embarrassed to raise our voice in public, and the like. But as many choir directors know, the point is not to learn how to sing properly but to connect with our soul and make music in our unique way. Singing and finding the confidence to let our soul burst forth in song is what our final winter-time movie series is all about.
As It Is in Heaven, is a 2004 Swedish film that was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film in the 2005 Academy Awards. (It does have English subtitles) The story focuses on a lonely but gifted conductor who arrives in a small rural village in northern Sweden, his new found role of leading the local church choir, the idiosyncratic and very human members of the choir, but ultimately the power of music to release the Spirit of love and hope and break open people’s hearts. This is a must see!
Saturday 7th
September at 6.15pm in our church lounge.
Bring your tea at 5.45pm and share conversation before the movie.