A very
warm welcome to you all this morning. After the service please come through to the
Lounge for a cuppa and a time to chat. Many thanks to Rev Nancy-Jean Whitehead
for leading our worship today.
Managers’ Report
The design and construction of concrete paths and decking has gone well thanks to great work from Cyril Morris, Graham McNicholl, Keith Mitchelmore, David Hodder, and our minister. Rob Meier and Keith are currently working on fencing and gates.
Shelving has been installed in the foyer storeroom. We will install racks for large tables in the lounge and in one of the foyer storerooms.
Security Fencing has been sold – thanks to Ken Austin.
Two new groups will be using the complex on Wednesdays from October – Port Hills U3A, and The Familial Trust. The Familial Trust works with families who have a member affected by an addiction.
Our Treasurer Joan Macdonald has prepared annual accounts. These show that after the rebuild we still have approx. $66,500 of cash assets at the end of the financial year. The budget for the year ahead however indicates a projected deficit of $16,000. This includes the scenario of only 2/3rd’s time paid ministry for 2/3rds of the year. Managers and Session will be looking at options which will include a review of giving, sourcing other income from increased use of facilities, and sourcing income from other sources. We are aware that going forward we would be in a much better position if we could find ways to employ a minister full time.
Ongoing costs….our insurance account has arrived and with our decision to not insure for natural disaster is approx. $9,000. Our power account for July was $650. We have to pay approx. $1000 per annum to have our building checked to ensure we meet fire regulations.
Chairperson resigns….Wayne Barton has indicated he will be stepping down at our AGM.
This means the Board of managers has vacancies to be filled at the AGM. We
are particularly in need of someone with financial experience and planning, and someone with some marketing skills to promote
our activities. We are very grateful to Wayne for the work chairing the Board through a
difficult phase and wish him well as he looks to
further his teaching career.
Fireside: For the Fireside meeting on Tuesday 27th August we invite others [men as well as women] who are interested in hearing our speaker. Angela Kearney will tell us about some of her experiences nursing in Syria and Afghanistan. Anyone who wishes may like to donate a gold coin [or more!] towards her work. The meeting time is 7.45pm in the church lounge, and remembering that the Meditation Group will be in the church until then, please come in quietly. Enquiries: Margaret 366 8936.
Rosters: Church Cleaning – please pop your name on the clipboard in the foyer if you can help.
Lawn Mowing volunteers are also required. Contact Barry Moore 3384622, or leave a message at the Office.
Annual General Meeting Sunday 15th September 2019 following morning worship. Apologies and items of General Business to Irene please.
Waltham Cottage Te Whare Roopu o Oteropo AGM Monday 26th August 5.30pm at the Cottage 201 Hastings St East. All welcome.
Crafty Crafters: Meets on Thursdays in the Church lounge 10am-12noon. $3 per session. Contact Lyndsey 388 1264 for more information.
Wednesday Walkers 28th August: Meet 9.30am at Nga Puna Wai sports hub carpark off Augustine Dr in Aidanfield. Coffee at the Old Vicarage. All welcome. Marilyn 027 3631642.
For your diaries: The next Parish Breakfast is on
Sunday 15th September at 8.45am, hosted by
members of the Walking Group. More details next
Men’s Group will meet on Thursday 5th September at 6pm in the Church Lounge for a shared tea and chat time. The speaker for the evening will be Martin Cleland and he will share with us his amazing creativity as a wood carver. All men welcome and we look forward to seeing you there. Contact Tony 332 0554 if you have any queries.
Meditation Group…About ten people are meeting each week to spend
time in stillness (20 mins)
with a small message of teaching. Tuesdays 7.00-7.45pm in the church this week. New members are always welcome or speak
with Jeannette & David, Keith, Janet, or Helen.
MenzShed…the St Martins MenzShed has been
Incorporated and is now an official group! Plans are to use the community room as an electronics hub and to install a 40 foot container to act as a
woodworking workshop. We are already undertaking
projects on behalf of the community. Keith Mitchelmore and
Warren Pettigrew are on the newly formed leadership
team with Dugald as an advisor.
Saturday Night Movie…
There are many different stories we tell ourselves about our singing: we can’t read music, we sing off-key, we are embarrassed to raise our voice in public, and the like. But as many choir directors know, the point is not to learn how to sing properly but to connect with our soul and make music in our unique way. Singing and finding the confidence to let our soul burst forth in song is what our final winter-time movie series is all about.
As It Is in Heaven, is a 2004 Swedish film that was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film in the 2005 Academy Awards. (It does have English subtitles) The story focuses on a lonely but gifted conductor who arrives in a small rural village in northern Sweden, his new found role of leading the local church choir, the idiosyncratic and very human members of the choir, but ultimately the power of music to release the Spirit of love and hope and break open people’s hearts. This is a must see!
Saturday 7th September at 6.15pm in our church lounge.
Bring your tea at 5.45pm
and share conversation before the movie.