Sunday 24th November 2019


A very warm welcome to you all this morning. Please come through to the Lounge after the service for a cuppa and a time to talk.

Risingholme celebrates their 75th anniversary today. Pop along to 22 Cholmondeley Ave between 11am-2pm.

Singing Group…. meets 9.15am sharp on the first and third Sundays.

Meditation Group meets elsewhere this Tuesday.

FIRESIDE Women’s Group meets this Tuesday 26th November in the lounge at 7.45pm. This will be an informal gathering, sharing stories about Christmas past and present. Please bring a small plate to share for supper. All women are very welcome. Margaret 366 8936.

Wednesday Walkers 27th Nov: Meet 9.30am in Hackthorne Rd near the Sign of the Takahe for a walk around the areaCoffee at Sign of the Takahe. Please arrange car pooling if you are not happy driving on the hill. All welcome Gerard 339 6242

Working Bee THIS Saturday 30th November 9-11am – come along and help with gardening, shifting earth, window cleaning.

New Sunday Roster available today – please check to see if there is one for you to collect. Anna.

Carboot Sale: Saturday 14th December 9am at St Mark’s Church, Opawa Rd. Limited spaces available. $10 for the space. See Anna in the Office if you’re interested.

Crafty Crafters every Thursday 10am-12noon in the lounge. $3 per session. Bring along an unfinished item, or try a new one. All are welcome. Lyndsey 388 1264.

Christmas Gifts for Waltham Community Cottage: Sundays 1, 8 & 15 December. Please bring the kind of gifts you would like to receive or you would give to your loved ones. Gifts are required for  men, women, teenagers, boys and girls. The staff choose the gift for the client from what is given by our congregation. Wrapping paper and cards also appreciated. Edible items are very welcome (please bring these on the 15th  only).

South Brighton Voices invite you to their concert “A Christmas Cracker” on Sunday 8th December 2pm at St John’s Anglican Church, Ferry Rd, Woolston. Tickets $20, available from Lyndsey McKay.

MenzShed…a fire report has been received which indicates that the west wall will need extra gib placed internally to give a higher fire rating. We will also need to install a ramp for disabled access. The structural engineer is requiring a plywood ‘skirt’ around the building. A consent application will be put in this week, and work to place the building on piles may begin in mid-December.

SPANZ – the latest edition is available in the foyer today….inside are reflections on the Mosque attacks here in Christchurch, caring for creation, Kiwi Church, a visit to Palestine, global mission, and other items.  Pick up your copy today and learn of some of the exciting things happening in our church.

Session Report November:

Dugald asked the question why do we keep our faith so private and so rarely speak with others about our experience of God, Jesus, or the Spirit in our lives.  Don’t be surprised if Session members ask as we chat together after worship, “did you hear a whisper of God in worship today?”, or “what do you take away from our gathering today?”.  Maybe there was something that Dugald said, or some other part of worship that made sense to you, or touched a deep place.  Maybe there was something you disagreed with.  Let’s see if we can bring God into our everyday conversations.

We are planning combined services with Beckenham Methodist post Christmas.

We are grateful to Bill for the formation of the singing group which learns new music.

Two new pulpit falls have been donated by Barbara McKinnon.

A new chairman for the Board of Managers has been elected – Peter Mechaelis.

The Giving Review Team reported on their plans to lift our finances to enable full-time ministry.  A letter from this team will be circulated on Sunday 1st and a report given to the congregation on Sunday 8th December.

A Vision Team was established to act as an executive and to articulate the vision of the parish.  The membership of this is still being established, but this team will act as the core leadership team in the absence of a minister.

An Early Christmas with Schola Cantorum choir, Tuesday 3rd December 5.30-6.10pm at The Piano, 156 Armagh St. Door sales $10 – cash only.

Handel’s “Messiah” with the City Choir & CSO in the Town Hall Auditorium, Saturday 7th December 7.30pm. Book at Ticketek.

Christian Savings

Is an interdenominational non bank deposit taker licensed by the Reserve Bank.  They accept deposits and then lend churches and Christian charities as a way of growing God’s Kingdom in New Zealand.  Presbyterian Savings and Development Society (PSDS) became part of Christian Savings a few years ago. 

The good thing about Christian Savings is you know your investment will be utilised for good things and not to support the alcohol industry or the arms industry as will usually happen with the big banks.  It also means your money will be put to work in New Zealand for things like building churches, providing housing, and supporting other Christian projects.

You can open a call account or a term deposit.  Another possibility is to invest money as a charitable deposit.  Your capital will be returned after your chosen term, but the interest it earns could be donated to your church or another charity nominated by you. 

More details are available in the Christian Savings newsletter, “The Good Investor”, or pick up an information pamphlet in the foyer.  (More information online:

Currently there is a special rate for new term deposit investments of one year – 3%.