Sunday 26 January 2020


A very warm welcome to you all this morning. Please come through to the Lounge after the service for a cuppa and a time to talk.

From our Finance Review Team:

Our recent request for people to review giving has resulted in increased pledges of nearly $13,000 per year.  We are very encouraged by this response and say a very big THANK YOU to you all.

Today after worship we’ll have a forum to discern ideas for fundraising in the year ahead. We are especially keen to find projects that will involve the wider community.   

Please start planning to donate you Charitable Giving Tax rebate back to your church.  More detail on this will come in March from the Board of Managers.

Do you know someone looking to hire an auditorium or lounge space for meetings or for an exercise class.  Tell them about our spaces and direct them to our website where they can find more details.

Court Theatre Group Booking:

“Lysander’s Aunty” Friday 17th April 7.30pm

‘In this radical comedy, Lysander and Hermia, the lovers from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, run away to the forest…but things take a sharp turn along the way that lands them in the lap of Lysander’s unconventional, untraditional and very Kiwi Aunty. The world of Shakespeare is lovingly turned upside down as the highbrow meets the down-to-earth in this wonderfully quirky comedy’.

Tickets $54 or $42 with copy of Community Services Card. Add your names to the clipboard please, and money to Sue Saunders by Sunday 1st March.

New Sunday Readers’ Roster available today – please check to see if there is a copy for you.

You are invited to the Induction of Beckenham Methodist’s new minister on Sunday 2nd February at 2pm.

Meditation Group: Every Tuesday a group meets here from 7.00-7.45pm to meditate together.  We are learners who are following an ancient Christian practice of being still with God.  For 20 minutes we sit in silence.  In silence you soon discover your mind is far from still, and is dancing all over the place.  However we use a mantra to keep gently refocusing.  In the stillness God is at work transforming us and helping us become more authentically ourselves. 

If you would like to try Christian meditation, join us on Tuesday evenings. Meditation is not only good for your soul, but helps relieve stress and anxiety, and has been shown to be very beneficial for your health.

WANTED: The Elder Care group needs drivers who are able to drop clients off at 10am and return to take them home at 2.30pm each Tuesday. Please talk to Lyndsey McKay 388 1264 if you can help.

Foot Clinic TOMORROW 1-4pm in the Lounge.

Singing Group will meet again at 9.15am on 2nd & 16th February

Foyer Store Room …. the north storeroom in the foyer (currently with foot clinic, craft group and Elder Care gear in it) will be kept locked from the beginning of February.  If you need a key, please contact Anna in the office. 

“Unofficial” Wednesday walk 29th January: Meet 9.30am at Oderings for a stroll around Spreydon. Coffee at Kowhai Café. All are welcome. Sonya 339 7038.

Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am – 12 noon. $3 per session. New faces very welcome. Lyndsey 388 1264.

The Gentle Revolution – Emerging Green Churches of Europe
Sunday 16th February 4pm – 5.30pm @ The Chapel of the Waves (corner Collingwood St and Union St, New Brighton)

Mark Gibson, the minister of two East Christchurch parishes, recently visited Eco and Green churches in Scotland, England and Denmark. Hundreds of mostly small local churches are transforming their life in response to the global ecological and climate crisis. One church has slashed its carbon footprint by two-thirds, at another over a hundred people cycle to worship every Sunday. The Green Church movement in Denmark is transforming church graveyards into bio-diversity hotspots. Come and hear these wonderful stories, and many more. Could Aotearoa NZ evolve our own Green Church movement?

Entry by koha for the work of the Centre. All welcome.

Session Report:

  • Pastoral Care…a small task group has been set up to review our system of Pastoral Care.
  • Ministry Settlement Board…has met and is progressing the work of developing a Parish Profile.
  • Presbytery has not as yet been able to appoint an Interim Moderator for our parish.
  • We have agreed to seek to appoint a minister on Stated Supply for 3-6 months. We will approach Presbytery to see who might be available.
  • We noted that we have our own Facebook page. If you use Facebook please connect with the page (St Martins Presbyterian Community Church) and recommend it to friends.