A very warm welcome to you all this morning. Please come through to the Lounge after the service for a cuppa and a time to talk.
Farewell Luncheon
On Sunday 23rd February Dugald will lead his last service with us as our minister before his retirement after 35 years in the ministry. Following the service we invite you to join together for a barbeque lunch. Sausages, meat patties, bread, and drinks will be provided, and if you are able bring a salad to share. Those not bringing a salad may like to donate a gold coin to help cover costs.
Many thanks to the Session members for hosting this morning’s parish breakfast.
Board of Managers meets this Wednesday 12th February 7.30pm in the foyer.
Working Bee Saturday 15th February 9am. Come and help! Likely jobs will include: window cleaning, gardening, shifting of soil from behind the sheds.
Articles are now required for the next edition of the ‘Messenger’. Email contributions to Anneke: before Friday 21st February. Many thanks.
Wednesday Walkers 12th February: Meet 9.30am in the Carpark between Halswell Library and The Old Vicarage, for a walk around Halswell. Coffee at The Old Vicarage. All Welcome. Barbara and Alan 021 126 3801
Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am – 12 noon. $3 per session. New faces very welcome. Lyndsey 388 1264.
Sermons…most of Dugald’s sermons are available on line from our website.
World Day of Prayer Friday 6th March 7pm at Beckenham Methodist Church, 83 Malcolm Ave. A service prepared by Zimbabwe with the theme “Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk”. All are welcome.
Meditation Group: Every Tuesday a group meets here from 7.00-7.45pm to meditate together. We are learners who are following an ancient Christian practice of being still with God. For 20 minutes we sit in silence. In silence you soon discover your mind is far from still, and is dancing all over the place. However we use a mantra to keep gently refocusing. In the stillness God is at work transforming us and helping us become more authentically ourselves.
If you would like to try Christian meditation, join us on Tuesday evenings. Meditation is not only good for your soul, but helps relieve stress and anxiety, and has been shown to be very beneficial for your health.
Fundraising Ideas: We had a very good forum with a large number of ideas suggested for fundraising. Please return the blue form to the silver box in the foyer by next Sunday.
Singing Group will next meet at 9.15am on 16th February.
Foyer Store Room
…. the north storeroom in the foyer is now locked. If
you need a key, please contact Anna in the office.
Court Theatre Group Booking:
“Lysander’s Aunty” Friday 17th April 7.30pm
‘In this radical comedy, Lysander and Hermia, the lovers from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, run away to the forest…but things take a sharp turn along the way that lands them in the lap of Lysander’s unconventional, untraditional and very Kiwi Aunty. The world of Shakespeare is lovingly turned upside down as the highbrow meets the down-to-earth in this wonderfully quirky comedy’.
Tickets $54 or $42
with copy of Community Services Card. Add your names to the clipboard please,
and money to Sue Saunders by Sunday 1st March.
National Remembrance Service for 15 March
To be held on the afternoon of Sunday 15 March in
North Hagley Park. The programme is being put together with input from those
most affected by the attacks at the Al Noor and Linwood mosques. The service
will be led by the local Muslim Community, Christchurch City Council, the
Government, and mana whenua Ngai Tahuriri. Further details pending.
The Gentle Revolution – Emerging Green
Churches of Europe
Sunday 16th February 4pm – 5.30pm @ The Chapel
of the Waves (corner Collingwood St and Union St, New Brighton)
Mark Gibson, the minister of two East Christchurch parishes, recently visited Eco and Green churches in Scotland, England and Denmark. Hundreds of mostly small local churches are transforming their life in response to the global ecological and climate crisis. Come and hear some wonderful stories. Could Aotearoa NZ evolve our own Green Church? Entry by koha.
Thanks to the concreting team Keith, Rob, David, Graeme, Dugald who have nearly finished all the concreting after the rebuild.
Peggy Cree has donated a bench seat for people to sit in quietness. It will be situated in a new garden area on the northwest corner of the building with a tree in memory of Vivienne Sinclair placed nearby.