Sunday 15th March 2020

From PCANZ: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • The Assembly Office recommends we all follow advice given by the Ministry of Health (see Should they issue instructions concerning public gatherings, Presbyterian parishes and are expected to follow these guidelines.
  • Do not panic, stay informed and take all reasonable steps to keep yourself and others safe by following good personal hygiene practices (especially washing hands regularly, not sneezing or coughing in public and into a tissue or crook of arm if you are in public).
  • Advice could be received that Church services and other activities may need to be postponed, changed or delivered differently.
  • Stand at least one metre apart from anyone with cold or flu symptoms
  • Communion & the common cup: due to the risk of passing on coronavirus via fingertips, it is not recommended that intinction be practiced with the common cup.
  • Communion & Passing of the Peace: while there are currently no recommendations to avoid shaking hands or hugging, please respect those who do not wish to at this time.

St Martins Presbyterian Twilight Food Fair –

Friday 3rd April – 4pm through until 6.30pm.

See Peter Mechaelis, Barbara & Rob Meier, Lyndsey McKay, Sue Saunders.

Book Sale Saturday 21st March 9am – 1pm at St Mark’s Anglican Church 101 Opawa Rd.

Hot Cross Buns are available.  $5 for a packet of 6 (Traditional or chocolate). Money with order please. See Anna in the Office for details. This is a fundraiser for Opawa-St Martins Anglican Parish. Please order by 19 March.

A very warm welcome to you all this morning. Please come through to the Lounge after the service for a cuppa and a time to talk. Many thanks to Rev Silvia Purdie for leading today’s worship.

National Remembrance Service TODAY in the Horncastle Arena at 3pm. 

Easter Eggs for Waltham Cottage – all donations gratefully received.

Singing Group meets today at 9.15am.

Mark your calendars now for a ceilidh on Saturday 25th April. More details soon.

Session meeting Wednesday 18th March 7.30pm in the foyer.

Meditation Group: meets in the lounge every Tuesday from 7pm –

7.45pm. We are learners who are following an ancient Christian practice of being still with God. 

Wednesday Walkers 18th March: Meet 9.30am in the carpark of the Te Ara Marina (entrance off Godley Quay, Lyttelton).Coffee at Super by the bridge on Norwich Quay in the middle of the walk. All welcome.  Car pooling suggested. Anneke 021 077 4065.

Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am-12noon in the Lounge. $3 per session. New faces always welcome. Lyndsey 388 1264.

BOOKS – to fit on to the bookcase for folk to purchase (at a very reasonable price), read, return (if you want to) and buy another.

Perhaps you have some good quality books – whatever their genre – that are surplus to your requirements – feel free to bring them along or drop them into the office so that we might put them on the bookshelf so that others might share the enjoyment you have had with them. Thank you.