Sunday 21 June 2020


A very warm welcome to all who worship here today. Please stay for a cuppa and a chat after the service.

We give thanks for the life of Herbert Arthur Ireland Madgwick, June 1 1929 – June 16 2020. Madg had a long history of service to this church. He was ordained an Elder in December 2008, and served as Session Clerk. Our deepest condolences to Lyn and the family.

Memorial Service for Tony Blackler Saturday 27th June 2pm here at the church. Everyone is very welcome. Allison & Gill Blackler.

What’s On This Week:

Tuesday 10am – 2pm South Elder Care

Thursday 10am – 12 noon Crafty Crafters. Bring along your own craft items or learn a new skill $3 per session.

Contact Lyndsey McKay 388 1264 for further details.

Tuesday 7.15pm Christian Meditation Group. Contact Dugald 380 5024.

Thursday 1.30 – 2.30pm Sit & Keep Fit. See Anneke for more information.

Men’s Group: Our first meeting will be on Thursday 2nd July in the Church Lounge starting 6pm.

There will not be a speaker for this first meeting as we want to discuss ideas for future speakers (some arranged already) and share in fellowship on this evening. All men are welcome. Rob Connell 384 4320.

Jams & Pickles – have a look – there are loads. If you don’t see what you want, please ask! Sue 960 7657.

Shelled Walnuts for sale in the foyer. $3 for 100 grams. All proceeds to St Martins. Janette.

Cleaning Roster: Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far. There are still spaces for more!!

Wednesday Walkers 24th June: Meet 9.30am at the corner of Domain Tce & Lincoln Rd. Coffee at The Waiting Room café. All welcome. Marilyn.

Garage Sale at St Mark’s Anglican Church, 101 Opawa Rd Saturday 4th July 8.30am – 12.30pm. All are welcome.

The Garage Series

Today we hear from Spanky Moore, who is one of the chaplains at the University of Canterbury and is on the diocese staff at the Anglican Church with young adults. Also, Esther Sabey and Marty Redhead from Hope Presbyterian. 
See previous episodes on the Alpine Presbytery YouTube channel:

The Menzshed… the boys have been busy and a bracing plywood skirt has been constructed around the base of the building to brace the piles.  Painting and carpeting inside the old Sunday School room has been completed, and a sink and zip installed so they can have a cuppa.  One of these rooms will be set up as an electronics room.  The little garden shed has been put on a foundation and will be used as a paint store.

In the next few weeks work benches will be constructed in the woodwork workshop, and the ramp for disabled access will be made.  Our projected opening date is currently early September.