Sunday 9 August 2020

A very warm welcome to all who worship here today. Please stay for a cuppa and a chat after the service. Many thanks to Rev Sandra Wright-Taylor for leading our worship this morning.

When you came in the door this morning did you remember to sanitise your hands? It is very important that you do this regularly.

What’s On This Week:

Monday 9.30am Pastoral Care training course. Lyndsey 388 1264.

Tuesday 10am – 2pm South Elder Care. Lyndsey 388 1264.

Tuesday 7.15pm Christian Meditation Group. Contact Dugald 380 5024.

Wednesday 7.30pm Combined BOM/Session meeting. Irene 332 7306.

Thursday 10am – 12 noon Crafty Crafters. Bring along your own craft items or learn a new skill. $3 per session. Jeannette 332 9869.

Thursday 1.30 – 2.30pm Sit & Keep Fit. See Anneke for more information.

Thursday 5pm Familial Trust. Graeme 021 365 433.

Saturday 9am-3pm private booking.

We extend our sympathy to Cheryl Batwell, Community Wellbeing Co-ordinator at Waltham Community Cottage, following the sudden death of her husband Merv.

Wednesday Walkers 12th August: meet 9.30am at St Martins Presbyterian Church for a walk around Beckenham/St Martins with coffee in the Church Lounge. Joan 022 081 4088

Parish Breakfast NEXT Sunday 16th August 8.45am hosted by the Men’s Group – all welcome. Gold coin donation appreciated. Enquiries to Rob 384 4320.

Church Cleaning: Due to a change in the days the place is hired, it would be helpful if the premises could be cleaned on a Friday or Saturday if possible. See the UPDATED roster on the new noticeboard in the foyer (beside the storage cupboard). Thank you to those who have already volunteered.

ANNUAL REPORTS are still required from: South Elder Care, Wednesday Walkers, Crafty Crafters, Foot Clinic, Fireside, Men’s Group. Please email them to the Parish Office before 18th August. Accompanying photos also welcome! The AGM will be held in September. Thank you to those who have already sent a report in!

Articles are now required for the next ‘Messenger’. Please email contributions to before Friday 21st August. Thank You.

EcuAction 2020 Forum Series: Challenging the stuff ups! & offering some solutions
WEA Centre, 59 Gloucester St. 13th & 27th August, 5.30pm for 6–7.30pm
Programme, with expert presenter/ faith respondent:

  • August 13: The Just and Creative Society our Education System Fails (Sue Bagshaw/Jane Higgins)
  • August 27: Land and Water We Could Soon Lose (Paul Broady/Kathleen Gallagher)

The presenter and respondent will make their presentations before the topic is opened up for “Questions, Answers & Comments”. All Welcome. Koha to defray expenses please. Organised by EcuAction, a Canterbury based ecumenical action group, co-hosted by the WEA. Further info from:, or Marilyn (021 061 3940) or (Mary 021 387 088)

Christchurch South Rotary have chicken manure available on Saturday 29th August from 9am at the Cashmere Club. $5 a bag.

Christchurch Family History Expo 14 – 15 August, 10am – 5pm

Turanga/Central Library. Free. Speakers, workshops, seminars and displays for anyone interested in how and where to build family history. To read more:

Garage Sale & Garden Tour: St. Andrew’s Church, Blenheim has a Garage Sale on Saturday 12th September and a Garden Tour on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th October. If you feel like a break away, it’s not too far to come to sunny Marlborough and you might like to time your trip to fit in with one of these activities. Our Garden Tour is famous for spectacular gardens, wonderful stalls and refreshments when you need them and it only costs $20 pp.

Enquiries to Kim at the Church Office 03 578 7119.

Men’s Group: The night that men’s group meet is now the first Monday of the month. The next meeting will be on Monday the 7th September.

Session & Board of Managers meet this Wednesday 12th August in the Parish Lounge at 7.30pm. Rev Martin Stewart will be in the Chair.