A very warm welcome to all who worship here today. Please stay for a cuppa and a chat after the service. Many thanks to Rev Chris Elliott for leading our worship this morning. Today’s scheduled Breakfast has been postponed.
Covid Update: As a condition of gathering in this building, you must remember to sanitise your hands on the way in, and it is recommended that you do this again on the way out. Please also fill in the contact tracing register and/or use the new QR code.
Masks for Sale: see Janette Morris if you’re interested.
The parish has sent its condolences to Rosalie Sterritt following the death of her friend Margaret Draper.
What’s On This Week (subject to Alert Levels):
Monday 9.30am Pastoral Care training course. Lyndsey 388 1264.
Monday 1-4pm Foot Clinic. Judith 332 1577.
Tuesday 10am – 2pm South Elder Care. Lyndsey 388 1264.
Tuesday 7.15pm Christian Meditation Group. Contact Dugald 380 5024.
Thursday 10am – 12 noon Crafty Crafters. Bring along your own craft items or learn a new skill. $3 per session. Jeannette 332 9869.
Thursday 1.30 – 2.30pm Sit & Keep Fit. See Anneke for more information.
Thursday 5-7pm Familial Trust. Graeme 021 365 433.
Wednesday Walkers 19th August: meet 9.30am at South Library. Any changes will be notified nearer the time. Sonya 027 2533397.
ANNUAL REPORTS: Please remember to email them to the Parish Office by Tuesday.
Articles are now required for the next ‘Messenger’. Please email contributions to Anneke (anneke.howie@gmail.com) before THIS Friday 21st August. Thank You.
Christchurch South Rotary have chicken manure available on Saturday 29th August from 9am at the Cashmere Club. $5 a bag.
Board of Managers & Session Meeting Report – August 2020
Chaired by Rev Martin Stewart. Summary of Topics discussed at the above meeting:
- Usual agenda items including Matters Arising, Finance including year end Accounts which have passed for approval at the AGM
- Dates agreed on to note in your Diaries: AGM Sunday 20 September.
Twilight Fair Friday 9 October – stalls limited to Food and Plants
- Discussion re Stated Supply and names being considered.
- Menzshed
- Maintenance
- Pastoral Matters
Please Note: The new stackable chairs are not to be stacked one on top of another as the framing under the seat makes an indentation into the fabric of the chair below. The chairs are to be stacked onto the stacker frame with the back of the chair against the labelled end.
Focus on Tanzania Sunday 30th August 10am: Rob & Barb Meier will update us on Your Sisters Orphanage. Donations to support this very welcome.