The new readers’ & intercessors’ roster is available today – please check to see if there is a copy for you.
Jams, mostly rhubarb based, are available from Sue Saunders. Please contact her on 960 7657 for more information.
Wednesday Walkers 18th November: Meet 9.30am in Mitre 10 Mega car park at 54 Harewood Rd. We will walk around the nearby area of Papanui returning to the Columbus Coffee café at Mitre 10. All are welcome. Barbara and Alan 021 142 7668
What’s On This Week:
Tuesday 10am – 2pm South Elder Care. Jeannette 332 9869.
Tuesday 7.15pm Christian Meditation Group. Contact Dugald 380 5024.
Wednesday 9.30am Walking Group: Papanui. Barbara & Alan 021 142 7668.
Wednesday 5.30pm – 7.30pm Summit Road Society workshop.
Wednesday 7.30pm Session meeting.
Thursday 10am – 12 noon Crafty Crafters. Bring along your own craft items or learn a new skill. $3 per session. Jeannette 332 9869.
Thursday 1.30 – 2.30pm Sit & Keep Fit. See Anneke for more information.
Thursday 5-7pm Familial Trust. Graeme 021 365 433.
Session meets this Wednesday 18th November in the Lounge at 7.30pm.
New Editor required for ‘Messenger’ from 2021: If you are interested please have a chat to Irene.
Webpage – if anyone is interested in managing our webpage, please talk to Irene.
WANTED: more volunteers for the cleaning roster please. See orange poster on the noticeboard.
Quilt Show South Library until 30th November 2020:
Featuring a selection of quilts made by new New Zealanders who
attend the Migrant Quilt Group. For some of the ladies it has been the first time they have ever touched a sewing machine.
This year because we could not meet for several months we don’t have the usual number of quilts so the tutors have added one each to the exhibition.
Waltham Cottage would love to receive gifts again this year to distribute to their clients for Christmas.
We will be collecting these between 29 November – 13 December.
Unwrapped gifts are required for men, women, teenagers, boys & girls. Buy the sort of things you would buy for your own family – items MUST be NEW.
Donations of food welcome also very welcome – please bring these to Church on Sunday 13th December. Wrapping paper also appreciated.