Sunday 18th April 2021


A very warm welcome to all who worship here today. Please stay for a cuppa and conversation after the service.

Foot Clinic TOMORROW 1-4pm in the Lounge. Judith 332 1577.

Wednesday Walkers 21st April:  Meet 9.30am at the Bus Exchange for a ramble around town. Morning tea downstairs at Ballantynes. All welcome. Sue 960 7657.

Saturday 24th April – FILM Evening – “Singing In the Rain” – bright, happy, sing all the songs, lots of dancing. Bring your own tea. Tea and coffee will be available. 5.30pm for 6.15 film start. Koha appreciated.

Volunteers to clean the church are urgently required …please sign the orange list on the noticeboard in the foyer if you can help anytime from now through to July.

Pastoral Team meeting Monday 3rd May 9.30am starting with a cuppa in the foyer. Lyndsey.

Pastoral Care Visiting course – this is a three week course beginning on Monday 10th May 9.30am-12noon. Please contact Lyndsey if you’re interested in coming along.

Court Theatre trip Thursday 1 July 6.30pm to see a musical “Once” – based on a movie set in Dublin. Price $62/$38 with CSC. Please sign the list in the foyer by the end of May if you would like to come. Sue 960 7657.

South Brighton Voices, together with New Brighton Silver Band present  “Bright ‘n Brassy” on Sunday 16th May at 2pm in the Roy Stokes Hall, New Brighton. Tickets $20 adults, available from Lyndsey McKay.

What’s on This Week:

Monday 9.30am-12noon St Mark’s Elder Care. Therese 337 1225.

Monday 1-4pm Foot Clinic. Judith 332 1577.

Tuesday 10am – 2pm South Elder Care. Jeannette 332 9869.

Tuesday 7.15pm Christian Meditation Group. Contact Dugald 380 5024.

Wednesday 9.30am Walking Group: in the city. Sue 960 7657.

Thursday 10am – 12 noon Crafty Crafters. Bring along your own craft items or learn a new skill. $3 per session. Jeannette 332 9869.

Thursday 1.30pm Sit & Be Fit. Anneke 328 7459.

Friday 6.30pm & Saturday 8.30am-4pm Enneagram workshop.

Saturday 5.30pm Movie Night “Singing in the Rain”. Irene


Saturday 8th May 2021

8.30am – 12 noon here.

Items can be dropped off from

1-4pm on Friday 7th.

This is a combined fundraiser with St Mark’s Opawa.

We require books, CDs, DVDs, records, toys, good quality used clothing and general household items, china, glassware etc… There will be a cake stall, sausage sizzle and waffles, along with Sue’s preserves, jams etc and the MenzShed will be having a tool sale.

A great opportunity to clean out your cupboards.

Please see Irene if you can help