A very warm welcome to all who worship here today. Please stay for a cuppa and conversation after the service.
Next Sunday 16th May Don Lord, Executive Director of Hagar International NZ, will be the speaker at the morning service.
THANK YOU to everyone who assisted with the Trash & Treasure Sale.
Reminder to work group leaders – please email a short report to Anna before Friday 14th May in preparation for Parish Council meeting.
Men’s Group: Our first speaker this year is Steve Manson from Red Cross.
We meet at 6.00 pm in the church lounge for a pot luck tea followed by Steve’s talk. Steve is involved in emergency management but will cover many aspects of Red Cross operation. Rob Connell 384 4320.
Wednesday Walkers 12th May: Meet 9.30am in Harakeke St, near Riccarton Rd. Coffee at the Buddhist Temple. All welcome. Janette 021 075 6780.
Is this you? On a bank statement received this week there is deposit from IRD 020-300-302 for $370.31 and REB (which we assume is a tax rebate). Please speak to Joan Macdonald if this is you so she can record it correctly.
Church Cleaning: Volunteers are still required for July. Please sign the orange list on the noticeboard in the foyer. Thank you to those who have already volunteered.
Pastoral Care Visiting course – this is a three week course beginning on Monday 10th May 9.30am-12noon. Contact Lyndsey 388 1264.
Court Theatre trip Thursday 1 July 6.30pm to see a musical “Once” – based on a movie set in Dublin. Price $62/$38 with CSC. Please sign the list in the foyer by the end of May if you would like to come. Sue 960 7657.
What’s on This Week:
Monday 9.30am-12noon St Mark’s Elder Care. Therese 337 1225.
Monday 9.30am-12noon Pastoral Visiting course. Lyndsey 388 1264.
Tuesday 10am – 2pm South Elder Care. Jeannette 332 9869.
Tuesday 7.15pm Christian Meditation Group. Contact Dugald 380 5024.
Wednesday 9.30am Walking Group: Riccarton. Janette 021 0756780.
Wednesday 7.30pm Global Voices choir. Nick 027 2255142.
Thursday 10am – 12 noon Crafty Crafters. Bring along your own craft items or learn a new skill. $3 per session. Jeannette 332 9869.
Thursday 1.30pm Sit & Be Fit. Anneke 328 7459.
Thursday 5-7pm Familial Trust mentor group. Nadine 981 1093.
Friends of Risingholme seeks new members – the Christchurch City Council is seeking expressions of interest from people who are interested in forming a new group called “The Friends of Risingholme”. This group is for those who wish to donate their time to help with gardening at the park and also to those whose talents lie in periodically raising much-needed funds for the park’s many beautiful features.
To register your interest, please email Kate Russell ( by 30th June 2021 or phone 941 6531. A public meeting of interested persons will be held in August.