You are invited to Sunday worship with the St Martins Presbyterian congregation via Zoom. To join us, just click on the link below:
Meeting ID: 894 4207 2163
Passcode: 756050
A very warm welcome to all who worship here today. Please stay for a cuppa and conversation after the service.
The Mark Gospel Bible reading for next week is Mark 8:22-38
Many thanks to the Worship committee for providing this morning’s delicious breakfast!
We give thanks for the life of Lester Alderson, and we pray for his family and friends as they mourn his death.
Wednesday Walkers 7th July: Meet 9.30am in Stourbridge St near Oderings Nursery for a walk around Spreydon. Coffee at Urban Café. All welcome. Janette & Cyril 021 161 1178.
What’s on This Week:
Monday 9.30am-12noon St Mark’s Elder Care. Therese 337 1225.
Monday 9.30am Pastoral Team meeting. Lyndsey 388 1264.
Monday 1-3pm Hillsborough-Heathcote WI. Jennifer
Tuesday 10am – 2pm South Elder Care. Jeannette 332 9869.
Tuesday 7.15pm Christian Meditation Group. Contact Dugald 380 5024.
Wednesday 9.30am Walking Group: Waimairi Beach. Barbara & Alan.
Wednesday 9.30am Port Hills U3A. Anneke 328 7459.
Wednesday 7.30pm Global Voices choir. Nick 027 2255142.
Thursday 10am – 12 noon Crafty Crafters. Bring along your own craft items or learn a new skill. $3 per session. Jeannette 332 9869.
Thursday 1.30pm Sit & Be Fit. Anneke 328 7459.
Thursday 5-7pm Familial Trust mentor group. Nadine 981 1093.
Pastoral Care Team meeting TOMORROW 5th July 9.30am in the foyer. Lyndsey 388 1264.
Men’s Group meets in the Parish Lounge on Monday 12th July, beginning with a potluck tea at 6pm. Alice Shanks will speak about native plants and trees. All men welcome. Rob 384 4320.
Cleaning Roster: Volunteers are required for August 16 and then through to the end of October. See the orange notice on the board in the foyer to sign up!
Community Sunday: Celebrating Te Whare Roopu o Oteropo – Waltham Community Cottage. Sunday 18th July 10am. Cans for the Cottage – soups and stews to beat the winter blues. Bring along cans of soup or stews to the service – an opportunity will be given for you to place your cans in the boxes provided. Cheryl Batwell, the Community Development Manager and Laura Gardner, the Community Programme Co-ordinator with share with us life at the Cottage.
A Winter Bible Study continues on Tuesday mornings 10am until 27 July at Beckenham Methodist Church. All welcome. Contact Rev Jannet ( for further details.
Save the date: On Sunday 8th August we will share in a light lunch following the service, which will focus on Your Sisters Orphanage. All are welcome.
Here is a short video featuring the Moderator Designate Hamish Galloway speaking about some of the things to expect at GA21.