Sunday 26th November 2023

Here’s our Zoom link –

Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Many thanks to Rev Hugh Perry for leading our service today. Rev Sheena Dickson will be with us next Sunday.

COVID: With the continual numbers of COVID emerging in all areas of the world in which we live, it is absolutely vital that if you show any symptoms –PLEASE STAY HOME! Irene Gray, Parish Clerk

The 2024 morning tea & door duty roster is now available. Please collect your copy from the foyer today.

We give thanks for the long life of Bessie May Stewart who died on 16th November aged 93, and pray for her family as they mourn.

Wednesday Walkers 29th November: Meet 9.30am in Annex Rd near Lincoln Rd. Coffee at The Waiting Room. All welcome. Sonya 339 7038.

A huge thank you from Ruby Walker for the congregation’s congratulatory card on her recent 100th birthday. Apart from her eyesight failing a little, Ruby is hale and hearty – still doing her daily exercises (30 times up and down a long hallway each day), still has much to say and chatter about, and, as best as possible, still living life to the full.

GIFTS FOR WALTHAM COTTAGE: We invite you to bring along Christmas gifts for Waltham Cottage to distribute to people in need. Items must be new, and we require gifts suitable for all ages – men, women, teenagers and children. Please do not wrap them. Donations of wrapping paper also appreciated. Bring any contributions along to church each Sunday until 10th December.

We are very fortunate to have wonderful musicians. At the end of a service they will usually play a piece of music that gives us all time to reflect on the message given that day, as well as a moment when, in our own way, we can thank God for the privilege of being in church and able to share with those around us. Whilst you may be eager to chat and/or go through to morning tea, please would you consider those around you who are enjoying the music and those who are still in contemplative mood regarding the morning’s service. Thank you.

THIS WEEK AT ST MARTINS                                              

Tuesday 10am              South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869

Tuesday 7.15pm           Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007

Wednesday 9.30am      Walking Group: Hillmorton Sonya 339 7038

Wednesday 10am         Scottish Country Dancers (lounge) Irene 332 7306

Thursday 10am            Crafty Crafters (lounge) Sally 332 4730

Thursday 1.30pm          Sit & Be Fit(church) Anneke 021 077 4065

Friday 9.30am               Sing & Sign (lounge) Becky 022 086 2211

Saturday 11am              Pathways lunch (lounge) Peggy 337 5128


Sunday 24th December 10am Carol Service

Sunday 24th December Christmas Midnight Service @ St Mark’s Opawa  11pm (with Carol Singing from 10.45pm)

Monday 25th December Christmas Day Communion @ St Mark’s Opawa 9am

Sunday 31st December 10am HERE with Beckenham Methodist folk joining us

Sundays 7th & 14th January 10am @ Beckenham Methodist

Sunday 21st January @ Opawa Methodist

O God, Creator of All Things (Tune FOREST GREEN ‘O Little Town of Bethlehem’)

O God, Creator of all things, the earth belongs to you!
In love, you place it in our hands and give us work to do.
“Take care of what is mine!” you say. “Build up and don’t destroy.”
When we find courage to obey, your earth is filled with joy.

You move, O Lord, in mighty wind; your rivers ever run.
The earth contains great heat within; there’s power in the sun.
Creation holds great energy that’s plentiful and clean.
May we find in your gifts the key to keep creation green.

We thank you, Lord, for neighbours’ lands that grow organic food,
For co-op stores and produce stands that seek the common good,
For biking trails that clear the air, and trees that clean it, too,
For gardens plots that neighbours share, for all who work for you.

You give us minds to use for you and hands to lift in prayer;
You make us strong, creative, too, for your creation’s care.
As we recycle and conserve and advocate and pray,
May all we do show thanks and love for what you give this day.

Christmas Markets for you to enjoy: Friday 1st December 6-9pm, Cashmere Presbyterian, 2 Macmillan Ave and Friday 8th December 5-7pm, St Mark’s Anglican, 101 Opawa Rd Everyone welcome.