Sunday 23 June 2024

Here’s our Zoom link –

Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Many thanks to Rev Hugh Perry for leading our service today. Next Sunday Dan Yeazel will be with us, along with the Cashmere & Hoon Hay congregations.

We give thanks for the life of Dianne Muriel Claughton, and we pray for Graham and her family and friends as they mourn. Rest eternal grant unto her, O Lord.

Wednesday Walkers 26th June: meet 9.30am in Worsley Road near corner of Cashmere Rd/Hoon Hay Rd.  Coffee at Cracroft Café. All welcome. Joan Mac 022 253 3397.

The Parish Office will be closed this Friday (Matariki) – please ensure Anna receives any notices etc by 9am Thursday. Thank you.

There is NO Movie Night this month.

Please remember to let the Parish Office know if a mobile phone number is the best way for us to contact you, or if you no longer have a landline, or have changed email providers.

A new Sunday roster is available – please check to see if there’s a copy for you in the foyer.

Singalong at Cashmere Presbyterian: Do come and join us at the church 2 McMillan Ave, 2pm on Sunday 30th June for a SINGALONG of fun songs, old and new. Entry by gold coin donation.

THIS WEEK AT ST MARTINS                                    

Monday 5pm                  MenzShed Midwinter Dinner (lounge)

Tuesday 10am              South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869

Tuesday 7.15pm           Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007

Wednesday 9.30am      Walking Group: Cracroft Joan Mac 022 253 3397

Wednesday 10am         Scottish Country Dancers (lounge) Irene 332 7306

Wednesday 2pm           Afternoon Worship service

Wednesday 7-9pm       Cantabile Choir (lounge) Rose 027 254 0586

Thursday 10am             Crafty Crafters (lounge) Sally 332 4730

Thursday 1.30pm          Sit & Be Fit (church) Anneke 021 077 4065

Thursday 4pm               Private function (whole complex)

Friday                             MATARIKI public holiday

From the Parish Council meeting – Wednesday 19th June 2024

Prior to the meeting the Parish Council met with the MSB Convenor, Reverend Stephanie Wells, regarding a person of interest who could fill the role as a Stated Supply Minister for the coming year. We are aware that Alpine Presbytery have a meeting this coming week and this proposal will be presented to that meeting then. We ask that congregation members pray for a successful resolution with regard to this proposal.

·         Solar Panels – pricing and report was given by Warren and after discussion it was agreed to go ahead with the purchase and installation of these. This will not happen until the roof has been painted – probably in the Spring.

·         ECO Church – With the continual rise of weather related disasters, Warren presented his real concerns for the planet – but how do we address all those concerns. We are all encouraged to play our part. However, Warren and Dan will meet and talk about ‘what to do’.

·         Morning teas for the Menzshed. Parish Council members were interested to know just how often this has happened. The work of the Menzshed around the church is greatly valued, and since they do not charge us for the work they do, a morning tea is just a small token return for that work. Wednesday or Saturdays are good days for dropping something in for everyone to share…… even if the baking is ‘supermarket baked’. Please let Anna in the office know if you have or are going to contribute.

·         Plans for the Combined church service at St Martins on Sunday 26th June with members from Cashmere and Hoon Hay are progressing well. Morning tea food will be provided but we do need ‘hands in the kitchen’ please. Talk to Irene if you are able to help.

CHAIRS – As we are expecting up to 150, we do need help setting up the church and ensuring all the chairs are in place. This will happen on Saturday morning at 10am. If you can spare half an hour to get this done, please talk to Irene.

·         Seniors Service – Wednesday 24th June – a very special short service, with communion, for those members of St Martins who for various reasons are no longer able to attend church on a regular basis. We need help with preparing Communion and with the essential ‘cuppa’ after the service. Are you able to help with transport please? Talk to Irene.

We plan on having one of these services about every three months.

·         Thank you to everyone who contributes to the running and functioning of St Martins Presbyterian Church. There are a lot of jobs that ‘just get done’ – whatever you do, thank you.