God calls us to be people of hope;
to live in and through faith and hope.
God calls us to be a people of community,
loving into being new possibilities for one another.
God calls us to an active role in building the wider community.
HYMN: Great Creator God You Call Us (Tune: Regent Square WOV 84)
Great Creator God, you call us
through the church to do your will.
Stewards of both past and promise,
may we each our work fulfil,
building up in faith and nurture
Christ’s own mission, lively still.
Out of all our varied stories
may we weave a single tale,
here confessing sin and discord,
times we stumble, times we fail.
Yet forgiven, cleansed, refashioned,
in Christ’s strength shall we prevail.
Christ still calls to peace and justice,
health and wholeness, love and grace.
We are partners in that mission
for this time and in this place.
O God, grant us sense and courage
in the daily tasks we face.
Without vision, people perish,
without challenge, drift and die.
Give us then the tools of daring
and the clarity of eye
for creating in the present
visions far and wide and high. © JP Huber (ASF)
SONG:The Church is Wherever People are Praising
The Church is wherever God’s people are praising,
knowing they’re wanted and loved by their Lord.
The Church is wherever Christ’s followers are trying
to live and to share out the good news of God.
The Church is wherever God’s people are loving,
where all are forgiven and start once again,
where all are accepted, whatever their background,
whatever their past and whatever their pain.
The Church is wherever God’s people are seeking
to reach out and touch folk wherever they are –
conveying the Gospel, its joy and its comfort,
to challenge, refresh, and excite and inspire.
The Church is wherever God’s people are praising,
knowing we’re wanted and loved by our Lord.
The Church is where we as Christ’s followers are trying
to live and to share out the good news of God. © W. Jenkins (CH4)
ADDRESS: Cassie Welch
Community Development Co-ordinator
for the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches in Christchurch
READINGS: From Isaiah 35 Joan Scott
John 6: 1-11 (from The Message) Aubrey McLeod
HYMN: We Sing a Love (Tune: Woodlands WOV 109)
We sing a love that sets all people free,
that blows like wind, that burns like scorching flame,
enfolds the earth, springs up like water clear:
come, living love, live in our hearts today.
We sing a love that seeks another’s good,
that longs to serve and not to count the cost,
a love that, yielding, finds itself made new:
come, caring love, live in our hearts today.
We sing a love that, wandering, will not rest
until it finds its way, its home, its source,
through joy and sadness pressing on refreshed:
come, pilgrim love, live in our hearts today. © Stainer & Bell (CH4)
God, you know us in the high moments of life and you are with us
when life is difficult and the journey challenging.
With gratitude we bring these gifts to you.
Bless this offering as it is used with love.
Bless this offering as it is used to give people new life and hope.
Bless this offering as it is used to bring renewed vision.
In Jesus name. Amen.
HYMN: God Gives us a Future (Tune: Camberwell WOV 170ii)
God gives us a future, daring us to go
into dreams and dangers on a path unknown.
We will face tomorrow in the Spirit’s power,
we will let God change us,
for new life starts now.
We must leave behind us sins of yesterday,
for God’s new beginning is a better way.
Fear and doubt and habit must not hold us back:
God gives hope, and insight,
and the strength we lack.
Holy Spirit, teach us how to read the signs,
how to meet the challenge of our troubled times.
Love us into action, stir us into prayer,
till we choose God’s life,
and find our future there. © E. J. Smith (TIS)
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service.
PARISH REVIEW REPORT: If you borrow a copy to read, please return it promptly.
ASH WEDNESDAY Services 18th February: Our Anglican neighbours have invited us to join them at 10am at St Mark’s Lounge, Opawa Rd or 7.30pm at St Anne’s, Wilsons Rd.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 18th February: Meet 9.30am by Helios Medical Centre, Fifield Tce. Coffee at Willows Cafe next to medical centre. Barbara & Alan 337 6202.
BOARD OF MANAGERS meets Wednesday 18th February 7.30pm in the Lounge. The first part of this meeting will be with the Session.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am – 12 noon in the Lounge. $3 per session. New faces are always welcome ?. Beverley 332 7786.
COMBINED LENTEN STUDY #2: Mele will be leading a four week study series on Tuesdays 3, 10, 17 & 24 March, based on “Seasons of Your Heart” by Macrina Wiederkehr. If interested, please let Maria or Mele know.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 6th March 7.30pm at Beckenham Methodist Church.
COURT THEATRE “Le Sud”. Thursday 9th April 6.30pm. Tickets $42 each. Please sign the clipboard in the Lounge and pay (in a named envelope) by Sunday 1st March. Sue 960 7657.
FELLOWSHIP SHARED MEAL INVITATION: Saturday 20th February 6.30pm in the Lounge at Beckenham Methodist. All are welcome. Pam 332 1055.
FOOT CLINIC: Next Session Monday 16th March 1-4pm. Lyndsey 388 1264.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wed & Thurs 9am-12noon; Fri 9-11am. Pop in and visit at 7 Wilsons Rd. Phone 332 6192. Email: stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. Website: www.stmartins.org.nz. Anna must have any notices by 9am Thursday please.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Sun 15th Alexandria, Beryl; Tue 17th Joan, Peter.