Sunday 22 February 2015 – Lent 1 – 9am


Round about us, here among us ~
God of promise and love.
Calling our names, bidding us welcome ~
God of promise and love.

God is with us ~ God is among us ~ God is ahead of us.
Let us tell out the Good News, trust the Good News,
live the Good News.

HYMN: Tell Out, My Soul (WOV 109)
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!
Unnumbered blessings, give my spirit voice;
tender to me the promise of his word;
in God my Saviour shall my heart rejoice.

Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his Name!
Make known his might, the deeds his arm has done;
His mercy sure, from age to age the same;
His holy Name – the Lord, the Mighty One.

Tell out, my soul, the greatness of his might!
Powers and dominions lay their glory by.
Proud hearts and stubborn wills are put to flight,
The hungry fed, the humble lifted high.

Tell out, my soul, the glories of his word!
Firm is his promise, and his mercy sure.
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord
To children’s children and for evermore! ©Hope Publishing (CH 4)



SONG: How is Jesus Present?
How is Jesus present? How is Jesus present?
How is Jesus present today?
Tell me how he’s present. Tell me how he’s present.
Tell me how he’s present today.

He’s present in the children, present in the family,
present in the meal that you share.
He’s present when you’re laughing, present when you’re giving,
present when you listen and care.

But I cannot see him, but I cannot see him,
but I cannot see him today.
Are you just pretending? How can it be real?
I would like to see him today.

Every time you listen, every time you’re sorry,
every time you care for a friend,
that is when he’s present, though you do not see him,
“I am with you always”, he said.

Now I understand. Now I understand.
Let us celebrate today!
He’s present in the WORD, present in the PEOPLE,
present in the breaking of BREAD. © Cecily Sheehy (AA)


READINGS: Genesis 28:10-16 John Shanks
Mark 1: 9-15 Margaret Shanks

SERMON: A Different Beginning


Gracious God, we begin another season of Lent mindful of all your gifts. We re-dedicate ourselves to make this journey with Jesus;
to remember your promises, and to live the good news of your abundant grace and love for all people.
Accept these gifts we bring, along with our promise to love and serve, in Christ’s name. Amen.

HYMN: Bless Now, O God, the Journey (Tune: Thornbury WOV 389) Bless now, O God, the journey that all your people make,
the path through noise and silence, the way of give and take.
The trail is found in desert and winds the mountain round,
then leads beside still waters, the road where faith is found.

Bless sojourners and pilgrims who share this winding way,
whose hope burns through the terrors, whose love sustains the day.
We yearn for holy freedom while often we are bound.
Together we are seeking the road where faith is found.

Divine Eternal Lover, you meet us on the road.
We wait for lands of promise where milk and honey flow.
But waiting not for places, you meet us all around.
Our covenant is written on roads, as faith is found. © GIA Publications (VU)



HYMN: Guide Me, O My Great Redeemer (WOV 478)
Guide me, O my great Redeemer,
pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but you are mighty;
hold me with your powerful hand:
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven,
feed me now and evermore.

Open now the crystal fountain
where the healing waters flow;
let the fiery, cloudy pillar
lead me all my journey through:
Strong Deliverer, Strong Deliverer,
ever be my strength and shield.

When I tread the verge of Jordan
bid my anxious fears subside!
death of death, and hell’s destruction,
land me safe on Canaan’s side!
songs of praises, songs of praises,
I will ever give to you. C/A (Version from Hymns for Today’s Church)


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service.

FIRESIDE: We plan to meet at Anneke’s on Tuesday 24th February at 7.30pm to ‘catch up’ and enjoy her views of Lyttelton, and perhaps walk around the area {depending on inclination and weather!} Women of the congregation are very welcome to join us. Margaret 366 8936.

WEDNESDAY WALKERS 25th February: Meet 9.30am in Lichfield St by Bus Interchange for a walk around the town centre. Coffee venue TBC. Phone/text Sonya 027 253 3397.

CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am – 12 noon in the Lounge. $3 per session. New faces are always welcome ?. Beverley 332 7786.

SUMMER OF FUN COMMUNITY FUN DAY: This Saturday 28th February 1.30 – 4.30pm at Holliss Reserve, Cashmere. Bring your family, friends and neighbours along.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 6th March 7.30pm at Beckenham Methodist Church.

COURT THEATRE “Le Sud”. Thursday 9th April 6.30pm. Tickets $42 each. Please sign the clipboard in the Lounge and pay (in a named envelope) by Sunday 1st March. Sue 960 7657.

FOOT CLINIC: Next Session Monday 16th March 1-4pm. Lyndsey 388 1264.

HARVEST THANKSGIVING SUNDAY 22ND MARCH: This year we will once again be stocking the Pantry at Waltham Community Cottage. All the usual – canned food, vegetables, fruit, preserves , breakfast cereals, pasta, sugar, flour etc.
HOWEVER, Don’t forget to harvest your potato and bring the rewards of all your hard work along. These wonderful little gems will also be given to the Cottage. There will be brown paper bags available on Sunday 15th for you to put them in. Worship Committee.

UPDATED PARISH PHONE LIST now available. Paper copies can be collected from the Office (7 Wilsons Rd at rear of section by sandpit) on Wednesday or Thursday mornings.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wed & Thurs 9am-12noon; Fri 9-11am. Pop in and visit at 7 Wilsons Rd. Phone 332 6192. Email: Website: Anna must have any notices by 9am Thursday please.

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Sun 22nd Lindsay, Ross; Mon 23rd Bessie; Wed 25th Bill; Fri 27th Elizabeth.

St Martin’s Presbyterian Church
43 St Martins Road
FROM 10.00AM
Baking, Jams, Pickles, Preserves, Books, Plants and Produce, Children’s Toys, Jewellery, Sausage Sizzle.
Bargains for everyone.