Sunday 15th October 2017
Good caring presence
Within us, around us and above us.
Hold us in a sense of mystery and wonder.
Let the fullness of your goodness be within us and around us.
Let the world know your ways of caring and generosity
May we find we have all we need to meet each day without undue anxiety
Overlook our many faults
and help us to release others from their weaknesses
May we know we are accepted.
Strengthen us that we will reach out to be the best,
Always with faith to rise above the ugly realities of our existence.
And we celebrate the gifts you have given us
-the rich kingdom of life’s possibilities
– the power to do good and the triumph of good
And those rare moments when we have seen the glory
and wonder of everything.
You are life’s riches
You are life’s power
You are life’s ultimate meaning
Always and for everyone and for evermore.
Notices: A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea after the service. Many thanks to Trevor & co for leading today’s service.
Minister absent…Dugald is on holiday until 24th October. Please address any need of a minister to Irene our Session Clerk.
Wednesday Walkers 18th October: around ‘Travis Wetlands’ – meet 9.30am in carpark off Frosts Rd entrance opposite Beach Rd. All are welcome. Coffee at the Waimairi Beach Golf Club Cafe, 460 Bower Ave Sorry – dogs prohibited. Marilyn & Keith 960 2484 .
Board of Managers meets this Wednesday 18th October at 7.30pm.
All Saints Sunday, November 5th On this Sunday we remember those who have passed on before us. We name those who have died in the past year and light a candle in memory. There may be someone you want remembered in this way and if so please forward their name to Anna in our office with their date of death. There will also be an opportunity for anyone to light a candle in memory of a loved one.
Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am-12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. $3 per session. Bring along your own craft project, or learn a new skill! Contact Beverley 384 7814 for further details.
CAN YOU HELP? We are looking for people to join the morning tea roster for next year, and also the door duty roster. For more information or to sign up, please see Joan Scott.
Bacon… will be collected on 24th October. Please pay any money owing to Joan Macdonald before then. Delivery will be arranged as soon as possible after the 24th. Talk to Joan 337 1648 if you have any queries.
Risingholme Singers 70th Anniversary Celebration Concert on NEXT Saturday 21 October in the Heaton Normal Intermediate School Performing Arts Centre, commencing at 7.30 pm. Tickets $15 are available from John Shanks or at the door on the night. A programme of light music and music from shows and films will be performed.
Mission Discernment –It is important that all parishes to keep working to discern their future and what God is calling them to be. Session has agreed we need to continue to address this question and is setting up a small group to work with a Mission Enabler from the Presbytery to continue to wrestle with this. You may be interested in being part of (or feeding into) a group that will seek to discern where God is calling us as a congregation, (God may be whispering to you!) and if so talk with Dugald.
Presbyterian Support…will be speaking about their work on Sunday 29th October. There will be an opportunity to engage with them, also.
Fundraiser for St Martins: Handmade greeting cards for sale. $3 each. All proceeds to St Martins Building fund. They will be at church on Sundays on back table. Please see Janette Morris if you would like something personal made. eg significant birthday.
The Reformation with Sea of Faith Network
Marking 600 years since Luther made public his reformed view of Christian faith, the Christchurch Group of the Sea of Faith Network will screen a succinct film looking at his theology and the sweeping changes he set in motion throughout Europe – not only in religion, but throughout Western culture and politics. Discussion time will follow, noting similarities in the development of faith and culture in our time The movie will screen on Friday 20th October, in the Puriri Lounge at St Ninian’s Church, 5 Puriri St. All welcome.
A Ceilidh is coming on Saturday 25th November 7.30-10.00pm at Opawa Community Church Hall. $10 adults, $2 children and a plate for supper please. Tickets available NOW. ‘Privately organised cèilidhs are now extremely common in both rural and urban Scotland, where bands are hired, usually for evening entertainment for a wedding, birthday party, celebratory or fundraising event. These may be more or less formal, and very often omit all other traditional Gaelic activity beyond the actual music and dancing. Novices are usually among the participants, so a “dance caller” may teach the steps before music begins for each dance. The more versatile bands will demonstrate the dances too. Scottish primary schools frequently teach some “country dancing”, often around Christmas time. Bands vary in size but are commonly made up of between 2 and 6 players. The appeal of the Scottish cèilidh is by no means limited to the younger generation, and dances vary in speed and complexity to accommodate most age groups and levels of ability. Most private schools in Scotland will also hold cèilidhs on a fairly regular basis.’ (Wikipedia) See Irene Gray to purchase your tickets.