Sunday 22nd October 2017
Our Father who ~ a service of contemplation on the Lord’s Prayer
Modern Version of the Lord’s Prayer by Marcus Borg:
Eternal Spirit,
Earth-maker, Pain-Bearer, Life-giver,
Source of all that is and that shall be.
Father and Mother of us all,
Loving God, in whom is heaven:
The hallowing of your name echo through the universe!
The way of your justice be followed by all peoples of the world!
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom sustain our hope and come on earth.
With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, now and forever.
Te Inoi a te Atua
E to matou Matua I te Rangi Our Father who art in heaven
Kia tapu tou ingoa Hallowed be Thy Name
Kia tae mai tou Rangatiratanga Thy kingdom come
Kia meatia tau e pai ai Thy will be done
ki runga ki te whenua on earth
kia rite ano ki to te Rangi as it is in Heaven
Homai ki a matou aianei Give us this day
he taro ma matou mo tenei ra our daily bread
Murua o matou hara And forgive us our trespasses
me matou hoki e muru nei as we forgive those
i o te hunga e hara ana ki a matou who trespass against us
Aua hoki matu e kawea kia Lead us not into temptation
whakawaia engari whakaorangia matou but deliver us from evil
I te kino For thine
nou hoki te Rangatiratanga is the Kingdom
te kaha me te kororia the power and the glory
ake ake ake. Amine. For ever and ever. Amen.
A reminder that St Martins Church is a construction site and therefore off limits,
so please DO NOT enter under any circumstances.
Visitors are welcome to pop into the Parish Office.
Notices: A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea after the service. Many thanks to Rev Lyndsey McKay for leading today’s worship.
NEXT SUNDAY: Presbyterian Support will be speaking about their work. There will be an opportunity to engage with them, also.
Dugald is on holiday until 24th October. Please address any need of a minister to Irene our Session Clerk.
Fireside Tuesday 24th October: We are grateful to Sue Saunders for agreeing to talk to us about her visit to Iran. All members of the congregation who are interested are invited to join us at Merchiston, 75 St Martins Rd, at 7.30pm. Enquiries: Margaret 366 8936.
Wednesday Walkers 25th October: meet 9.30am at the bus stop by Ilam Gardens. Coffee at the Shilling Club. All welcome. Rosalie 021 2395005.
All Saints Sunday, November 5th On this Sunday we remember those who have passed on before us. We name those who have died in the past year and light a candle in memory. There may be someone you want remembered in this way and if so please forward their name to Anna in our office with their date of death. There will also be an opportunity for anyone to light a candle in memory of a loved one.
Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am-12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. $3 per session. Bring along your own craft project, or learn a new skill! Contact Beverley 384 7814 for further details.
CAN YOU HELP? We are looking for people to join the morning tea roster for next year, and also the door duty roster. For more information or to sign up, please see Joan Scott.
Bacon… will be collected on Tuesday. Any money owing MUST be paid TODAY. Delivery will be arranged as soon as possible after the 24th. Joan 337 1648.
Mission Discernment – If you are interested in being part of (or feeding into) a group that will seek to discern where God is calling us as a congregation, (God may be whispering to you!) please talk with Dugald.
Celebrate St Andrew’s Day with a Ceilidh and the Incredible Ceilidh Band. Saturday 25th November 7. 30-10.00pm at Opawa Community Church Hall. $10 adults, $2 children and a plate for supper please. Tickets available NOW from Irene.
Fundraiser for St Martins: Handmade greeting cards for sale. $3 each. All proceeds to St Martins Building fund. They will be at church on Sundays on back table. Please see Janette Morris if you would like something personal made. eg significant birthday.
Free Seminars for Parents/Caregivers St Peter’s Parish Centre, 11 Fisher Ave, Beckenham at 7pm:
Fri 3 Nov Parenting & Stress
Mon 6 Nov Emotions, Outbursts & Differences
Mon 13 Nov Blended Families
Qualified presenters, questions welcome, and a cuppa and private chats possible afterwards.
Anna will be in the Office on Tuesday instead of Wednesday this week.