While our Church Building is Repaired we are meeting each Sunday at The Mineral & Lapidary Club 110 Waltham Rd (next to Waltham School) at 10am.
We would love to have the opportunity to welcome you.
Fourth Sunday of Easter 22nd April 2018
Notices: A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea after the service. Many thanks to Lyndsey McKay for leading the service today.
Euthanasia is a contentious issue that is currently in front of our parliament. Next Sunday we’ll look at this issue bearing in mind there is real diversity in our Christian thinking. There will therefore be an opportunity for discussion and debate.
Foot Clinic TOMORROW 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist. Thank you to all those who assist with this ministry.
Fireside Women’s Group meets this Tuesday 24th April at 7.30pm. All women are welcome to join us at Janette’s, 62 Frankleigh St. Hilary and Carol will explain about the Mission Discernment Group which is thinking about ways we can involve the community in activity at St Martins Presbyterian Church. Enquiries: Margaret 366 8936.
PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Office will be closed this Wednesday (Anzac Day).
Handmade greeting cards for sale. $3 each. All proceeds to the St Martins Building fund.
Wednesday Walkers: 25th April. Meet 9.30am in the Gardens carpark off Armagh St for a walk which will include Victoria & Cranmer Squares. Coffee at Ilex (to be confirmed). Judith 332 1577.
Crafty Crafters meets on Thursdays 10am – 12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. Cost: $3 per session. Contact Lyndsey McKay 388 1264 for more details.
Can You Help? Recently, Waltham Cottage has given out high numbers of food parcels, so stock is low. When you are buying groceries, please consider adding something extra to contribute to the food bank at Waltham Cottage.
Men’s Group commences for the year on Thursday 3rd May 6pm at Merchiston, 75 St Martins Rd, starting with a shared tea. James Wakefield will be speaking about their adventures in South America. All men welcome. Contact Tony Blackler 332 0554 for more details.
Working Bee….to remove ivy and other vegetation from the rear of the church section and do some tidying up. Handsaws and loppers needed. Wednesday 2nd May at 1.00pm.
St Ninian’s Centenary (Queen’s Birthday weekend). Seeking all past members or those who have had an association with St Ninian’s. If you are interested in attending all or part of the programme, please contact their Office: 348 6418, email stninians05@gmail.com.
Building Update
Current Work: Concrete has been poured for the large extra foundation at the rear of the church. Work will now proceed to install the large amount of steel to be placed in the back wall. This steel will have to be lowered by crane into place through a section of roof which will have to be removed. Work is also about to begin removing the brick infill panels on the south wall. So far no major issues have been encountered and it appears the soffit lining which contains asbestos will be able to be left undisturbed.
Looking Forward…
All steel reinforcing should be in place by the end of June.
Interior walls will be relined in early July.
New kitchen joinery in place by end of July.
Project finished by beginning of October.
Current Activity of Building team…
- Final decisions on sound system and worship lighting
- Determine electrical fit out
- Determine colours for painting and carpet
Decisions on choice of seating have yet to be made.