While our Church Building is Repaired we are meeting each Sunday at The Mineral & Lapidary Club 110 Waltham Rd (next to Waltham School) at 10am.
We would love to have the opportunity to welcome you.
Fifth Sunday of Easter 29th April 2018
“What on earth is God doing about Unity?”
Stories of Justice, Peace & Hope. A lively panel discussion to kick-start this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (May 13-20)
Sunday 13th May, 7.00-8.30pm, Knox Church, 28 Bealey Ave. Free/koha appreciated. (Supper served afterwards)
Speakers: Ngaire Button, Community Leader;
Rev’d Ben Truman, Anglican Minister, St Martins & Opawa;
Father Frank Kelly, Prison Chaplain;
Rev’d Sheena Dickson, Minister of Eastern Churches Together.
Contact Mary 021-387-088 / Brian 021-129-4305
Notices: A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please join us for morning tea after the service.
Wednesday Walkers: 2nd May. Meet 9.30am at the corner of Armstrong Ave & Centaurus Rd for a walk around the Hillsborough area, followed by coffee at Fava Café. (Park in Wilsons Rd or Armstrong Ave). Gaynor 337 0611.
Working Bee THIS Wednesday 2nd May 1pm to remove ivy and other vegetation from the rear of the church section and do some tidying up. Handsaws and loppers needed.
Men’s Group commences for the year THIS Thursday 3rd May 6pm at Merchiston, 75 St Martins Rd, starting with a shared tea. James Wakefield will be speaking about their adventures in South America. All men welcome. Contact Tony Blackler 332 0554 for more details.
Articles for the next ‘Messenger’ are now required. Please send any contributions to anneke.howie@gmail.com before Friday 18th May. Thank you.
The next Parish Breakfast is on Pentecost Sunday 20th May, hosted by the Men’s Group. Watch this space for details!
Calling all knitters: Christchurch Women’s Hospital desperately requires knitted woollen hats, singlets, cardigans & bootees, in newborn size. Please drop items off to Maternity on Level 5.
Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am – 12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. $3 per session. Lyndsey McKay 388 1264.
Professor of New Testament speaking at St Barnabas, Fendalton:
Paul Trebilco, Professor of New Testament at Otago University will be giving a public lecture at 7pm on Saturday 9th June, at St Barnabas hall (8 Tui St, Fendalton). The title of his lecture will be “Survivor Roman Empire – how early Christians survived and thrived in ancient times and how we can too.”
Paul has published work on the Jewish and Greco-Roman backgrounds to the New Testament, the Acts of the Apostles, the apostle Paul, early Christians in Ephesus, the relationship of Scripture and Church tradition, and the self-designations used by the earliest Christians in the New Testament