Sunday 29 September 2019

Many thanks to Rev Nancy-Jean Whitehead for leading our worship again today.

Learning Together Service….. on Sunday 13th October with a theme of “Gratefulness”.   

Singing Group…. meets 9.15am sharp next Sunday to practice a new song.  (The group meets the first and third Sundays) The song we’ll learn is written by Marnie Barrell who is a member of the St Anne’s/St Mark’s parish.  Marnie has written a number of songs that have been recognized internationally.  Many have a peace and justice theme.  The song we’ll learn is “We do not hope to ease our minds by simple answers, shifted blame, while Christ is homeless, hungry, poor, and we are rich who bear his name.  As long as justice is a dream and human dignity denied, we stand with Christ; disturb us still till every need is satisfied.”

The Parish Office is closed this Friday 4th October. Any items for next Sunday’s notices MUST be in by 9am Wednesday. Thank You.

Meditation Group: Tuesdays 7.00-7.45pm in the church. You’re welcome to ‘come and try’.

Crafty Crafters: Meets on Thursdays in the Church lounge 10am-12noon. $3 per session.

The Crafty Crafters invite anyone interested to join them on a bus trip to Little River, Leeston & Lincoln on Thursday 31st October 9.30am-4.30pm. $25 per person – see Lyndsey to sign up.

Wednesday Walkers 2nd Oct: Meet 9.30am at Elmwood Park, Heaton St for a walk around the area – including Millbrook Reserve, coffee will be at McCafe, Merivale McDonalds. All welcome, Benjamin 332 7700.

Reminder: Please put any rubbish with food waste attached and soft plastics in the RED bin. Only clean paper, card, glass, grade 1 & 2 plastic go in the yellow bin. Thank You.

Menzshed…. We have been successful in our application to the Alpine Mission Fund for $22,000 to meet costs of locating a classroom on our church site.  The classroom will probably arrive in mid October, but as yet we do not have consent so temporarily it will not be placed on piles.  When we get consent the piling and other work that will be required by the fire engineer will be completed.  We hope to have the Menzshed operating on a regular basis (probably three days a week) by the end of the year with both an electronics and a woodworking workshop.

Focus on Finances….

Last week we included an insert in the notices that gave an outline of our finances going forward.  This showed that if we hope to employ a full time minister we have a shortfall of $58,000 per annum.  If we seek 2/3 time ministry the shortfall will be $33,000 pa. 

We can and will address the shortfall.  The Session and Board of Managers are looking at possibilities.  Options include:

  1. Looking at where we could cut costs
  2. Increase income through hiring spaces in our community centre.  We propose setting a target of increasing income through this source of $15,000.
  3. Increase offerings.  We currently have approx. 50 giving ‘units’.  A unit may be a couple, a family, or an individual who are part of the giving programme either through direct credit or the envelope system.  If all 50 gave an extra $9.00 per week (2 cups of coffee at a café) we would raise $23,000pa.  If  more people joined the regular giving system, or if everyone donated their tax rebate, we could look at employing a full time minister.
  4. Encourage legacies.  Our rebuild would not have occurred without generous legacies.  With more generous legacies we could initiate new mission and ministry.
  5. Looking at fresh and innovative ideas to fundraise from the wider community…eg a monthly twilight market on site, a quarterly book sale, a preowned clothing shop. 
  6. Start a new innovative ministry that we could seek seed funding for.

Spring Fair: St Anne’s Anglican Church, 7 Wilsons Rd,  Saturday 19th October from 8.30am. Donations of goods to sell very welcome. Contact Anna in the Office 332 6192 for drop-off details.