Sunday 6 October 2019


A very warm welcome to you all this morning. Please come through to the Lounge after the service for a cuppa and a time to talk.

The MenzShed classroom will be delivered overnight on the evening of Wednesday 9th October.  The crane will arrive mid morning on Thursday 10th to lift it over the office and onto the site.  Please note that this means the carpark and street frontage MUST be left clear. The Parish Office will not be occupied while buildings are floating around over us!

Learning Together Service….. next Sunday with a theme of “Gratefulness”.

TODAY 10am – 3pm at Radley Park, Woolston: Roimata Food Commons & Rekindle are teaming up to provide FREE workshops for anyone that wants to come along to learn Basket Weaving, String Making and Fruit Tree Grafting.

Singing Group…. meets 9.15am sharp on Sunday 20th October to practice a new song.  (The group meets the first and third Sundays) 

Jam Stall – Check out the jam stall this morning – there might be something new you haven’t tried.

St Andrew’s at Rangi Ruru has decided to close as a separate parish of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.  Some of the activities will continue under the umbrella of The Village Presbyterian Church and a monthly church service will be held at St Andrew’s at Rangi Ruru.

There will be a closing church service, on Sunday 27th October, at 10am entitled “Endings and Beginnings” where both the history of the parish and the beginning of a new life will be acknowledged; this will be followed by morning tea in the Te Koraha building. Visitors are welcome to join us.  Please reply to the church office 355 6601 so we have indications of numbers for service and catering afterwards.    

Meditation Group: Tuesdays 7.00-7.45pm in the church. You’re welcome to ‘come and try’.

Crafty Crafters: Meets on Thursdays in the Church lounge 10am-12noon. $3 per session.

The Crafty Crafters invite anyone interested to join them on a bus trip to Little River, Leeston & Lincoln on Thursday 31st October 9.30am-4.30pm. $25 per person – see Lyndsey to sign up.

Wednesday Walkers 9th Oct: Meet 9.30am in Greers Rd at north east end of Jellie Park. Coffee at the Preservatory, cnr Wentworth St & Waimairi Rd.  All welcome. Janette 021 075 6780

Wonders from the Wardrobe: Wednesday 9th October 7.00 – 9.30pm at Cashmere Presbyterian. $5 – see noticeboard for details

Spring Fair: St Anne’s Anglican Church, 7 Wilsons Rd,  Saturday 19th October from 8.30am. Donations of goods to sell very welcome. Contact Anna 332 6192 for drop-off details.

Focus on Finances….

Two weeks ago we included an insert in the notices that gave an outline of our finances going forward.  This showed that if we hope to employ a full time minister we have a shortfall of $58,000 per annum.  If we seek 2/3 time ministry the shortfall will be $33,000 pa. The Session and Board of Managers are looking at ways to address the shortfall.  Options include:

Presbytery Council News….

The Presbytery Council meets monthly to handle the business of the Presbytery.  This month they:

  • Approved the appointment of Nancy Jean Whitehead on half time stated supply to St Albans United.
  • Appointed the following to the St Martins Ministry Settlement Board (MSB) – Dave Theyers (con), Alison Bishop, and Rev Darryl Tempero.
  • Approved grants from the Alpine Mission Fund to – John Knox Church Rangiora for $750,000 to aid the new build of their church with a strong community facing emphasis, The Village Church for $70,000 for a children and family worker, St Martins for $22,000 for the establishment of the Menzshed.
  • Endorsed the closure of the St Andrews at Rangi Ruru congregation.
  • Endorsed the induction of Rev Johanna Warren at the new Hakatere Parish (formerly St James and St Paul’s) in Ashburton.
  • Noted the retirement of Rev Bob Reid at St Kentigern’s.
  • Set up a Code of Ethics Training Workshop for ministers and elders to be held Wed 23rd Oct.
  • Approved terms of call for a new senior minister at Hope Church.